THE LOWEST LETTER GRADE needed to pass a high school credit class
High school where you can continue the Spanish Immersion program
CLASSES THAT YOU CHOOSE based on your career interests and plans after high school.
COLLEGE-LEVEL COURSES where students have the potential of earning both high school and college credit based on end of course exams.
Advanced Placement Courses (AP Courses)
Asking for help from a teacher, counselor, principal, or other trusted adult is called _________ . HINT: Self-
TWO MATH CLASSES in middle school that count as high school credits
Algebra I and Geometry
High school where students must apply by lottery and the school focuses on self-directed learning, student involvement in making some school decisions, and a sense of community where everyone feels like they belong.
HB Woodlawn
How do you calculate your GPA?
Quality points divided by the total number of courses taken (or credits attempted)?
NAME OF TA PERIOD at Wakefield
Warriors Period
Identify TWO SEL SKILLS that can help you to keep track of assignments and stay organized.
Planning, Time-Management, Problem-Solving
TWO IMMERSION CLASSES that count as high school credits.
Spanish Language Arts and World Geography
Program where students learn through project-based opportunities with the goal to pursue STEM fields in college and careers. Students can earn college credits and certifications for specific careers.
Arlington Tech
MINIMUM NUMBER of CREDITS in World Language that a student must earn for the Advanced Diploma.
Calculated by dividing the quality points earned by the number of courses taken.
What is Grade Point Average
High school is certainly more challenging than middle school. Name the SEL SKILL that will help you to work through challenges to still meet your goals.
VERIFIED CREDITS are earned by passing a specific assessment
Program that focuses on global learning where students have opportunities to create a more peaceful world through a cultural understanding and respect for others. Name the program and high school. HINT: You must use the whole word.
International Baccalaureate Program at Washington Liberty
NUMBER OF CREDITS required for the Advanced Diploma
Official document listing courses, grades, GPA & class rank.
Academic Planning
THREE ELECTIVE CLASSES that earn high school credit
World Language, Coding, Robotics
STEM program where students can participate in research and development in the STEM field
What is Thomas Jefferson High School for Science & Technology?
In high school, which TWO CORE CLASSES are students required to take all four years to graduate?
English and Science
What are the quality points for each letter grade? (Example: A = 4, B+ = . . .)
A - 4
B+ - 3.5
B - 3
C+ - 2.5
C - 2
D+ - 1.5
D - 1
E - 0