What is the school mascot?
Where do your hands belong?
TO YOURSELF at all times!
Which block will be your lunch time?
7th- 3rd block
8th- 4th block
What are 2 Don'ts in class?
Talking over others
Being disrespectful
What should your voice level be when Mrs. Xu is speaking?
0 or 1
What time does 1st period start?
What time does the school day end?
3 days
Scenario: A student has to go to the bathroom and the teacher is teaching, what should the student do?
Signal restroom (1) , fill out Bathroom pass
What is the procedure for fire drill?
Line up at door, follow directions
Exit the building
Who is the assistant principal?
Dr. Wasserleben
What do you need to have with you every day in class?
Positive attitude
What is your favorite subject and why?
Variety of answers
What should you do if someone you know is being bullied.
Tell the teacher or a counselor
When will Mrs. Xu call home?
When you don't follow expectations
What is the name of our principal?
Mr. Milavsky
What are 3 words to describe your first day of school?
Any answer will do.
What is the cardinal code?
Be ready, be respectful, be responsible
What is the first thing after saying good morning or afternoon should you do once you enter the classroom?
Get all materials you need and begin your warmup.
Work more than _____weeks overdue is not accepted.
2 weeks
Who is your counselor?
Ms. Bob/ Guarini
What pets does Ms. Xu have?
1 Fish
Name 3 of our class expectations and goals.
Come to class on time.
Be respectful.
Complete assigned work.
No cell phones.
Use Chromebooks appropriately.
Use appropriate language.
Use time wisely.
What do you do if you didn't hear the directions?
Raise your hand ask to repeat
What should you do before dismissal?
Clean up area and put everything back in its proper place.
Sit in your chair.
Where is our restroom
100 hallway/ Draco hallway, second floor hallway
How many kids does Ms. Xu have?
What is the tardy 1st offense?
Verbal warning
What does respect mean to you?
What is your favorite animal and why?
What time do you get dismissed?
How long has Mrs. Xu teaching?
7th year in LMS
Who helps with Chromebooks?
Mr. O'Brien
Where do you turn in assignments?
What is the best way for your parent to contact Mrs. Xu?