What is the name of our school?
International Learning Group School
What subjects do I teach?
Math and Physics
What time does school start?
Who is our counselor?
No longer Ms. Slaven, hopefully you'll meet our new counselor soon!
What is the number one thing teachers do not like for their students to do to each other or to other students?
Bully, or be mean
Spell your teacher's last name
Who is our Principal?
Ms. MacKinnon
How many hours are in the school day?
Scenario: A student has to go to the bathroom and the teacher is teaching, what should the student do?
Raise their hand.
Someone fell down and got hurt at recess. What should you do?
See if they need help, get teacher
Who are our swimming teachers?
Mr. Maloku and Ms. Rexhepi.
What is your biology teacher's name?
Mr. Erasmus
Name all the house colors.
Green, Yellow, Blue, Purple.
Someone calls out in class. What should you do?
Let the teachers handle it, focus on your own learning
How many science teachers do we have?
What is the most important meal of the day?
What are 3 words to describe your first day of school?
Any answer will do.
How long is morning recess?
15 minutes
How long is lunch recess?
20 minutes
Scenario: an alarm goes off while you’re in the classroom. What do you do?
Don't panic! Do what your teacher tells you.
Where is our school located?
Veternik, Prishtine, Kosove.
What is the name of your English teacher?
Mr. Turici
What is the name of your PE teacher?
Ms. Rexhepi
What is my favourite morning drink?
What is the name of the IT guy?
Mr. Cervadiku