How observant are you?
My Hobbies
Random Knowledge
Mount Vernon Trivia
Handbook Knowledge
My Family

Finish this quote:

"A penny saved is a penny _________." - Benjamin Franklin

a - spent

b - more 

c - used 

d - earned

d - earned


I enjoy traveling, I have been to many places, which of the following places have I yet to visit?

a - Canada

b - California

c - Texas

d - Caribbean

b - California - I have not made it to the West Coast yet.


How many years have I been teaching?

a- 3

b- 7

c- 11

d - this is my first year

c - 11 years


How many elementary schools are apart of Mount Vernon School Corp?

a - 1

b - 2

c - 3

d - 4

c - 3: Mount Comfort, Fortville, and McCordsville


Where should cellphones be during school hours?

a - in my hand texting

b - in my pocket

c - in my locker turned off

d - in my locker turned off (yes I put this twice... do you know the answer yet??)

c or d - cell phones should be placed inside your locker turned off during school hours. No acceptations.


True or False: My father has a prosthetic leg?



Which of the following is my favorite restaurant?

a - Chick-Fil-A

b - Steak N Shake

c- Montana Mikes

d - The Mug

All answers are accepted! Great food all around! :)


Which of the following do you think I do in my free time?

a - gardening

b - running

c - painting

d - building lego sets

d - building lego sets


Am I married?

a - yes

b - no

a - yes I am married


What is our 6th Grade Team Name?

a - Central Stars

b - Firebirds

c - Integrity

d - Odyssey

a - Central Stars


6th grade car riders are picked up in the parking lot on the ____ side of the building.

North (by the track)

East (by admin)

South (front of the school)

West (down by the Field house)

South, all grades are picked and dropped off in the south parking lot


My wife and I had our first child back in 2021. Did we have a boy or a girl?

a - boy

b - girl

b - girl :)

Anyone know her name??


What college did I attend?

a - IU

b - Michigan State

c - Purdue

d - Ball State

d - Ball State University (chirp chirp)


I own a motorcycle?

a - True

b - False

a - False, I sold it


How many dogs do you think I have?

a - 1

b - 2

c - 3

d - none, cats are better

b - 1, dogs are better than cats ;)


What is your Math teacher's name?

a - Mrs. Wright

b - Mrs. Wade

c - Wait, I have a math teacher??

d- Mr. Sanchez (not this answer)

a - Mrs. Wright


Hats, hoods or other head coverings, such as bandannas, headbands, may NOT be worn inside the school building. Hats are to be kept in lockers during the day.

a - true

b - false

a - true!


I grew up in what city?

a - Greenfield

b - Fortville 

c - Connersville

d - Anderson

c - Connersville


How many cloth American Flags are in the room? (as in not a poster, or a picture, etc.)

a - 1

b - 2

c - 3

d - 4

c - 3


Of the following, I have done 3, which one does not belong?

a - scuba diving

b - cliff diving

c - skydiving

d - 

a - scuba diving, I have not been scuba diving...yet


What is my favorite NFL team?

a - Bengals

b - Patriots

c - Giants

d - Colts

d - Colts for the win! Even though they never seem to do well :(


What is your ELA teacher's name?

a - Mrs. Wright

b - Mrs. Wade

c - Wait, what is ELA?

d- Mr. Sanchez (not this answer)

b - Mrs. Wade


I can wear my hoodie with hood up because I look super cool when I do it...

a - true

b - false

b - false (hoods are not to be worn inside the school building)


How many siblings do I have?

a - 1

b - 2

c - 3

d - none

d - none


What color is my wedding ring?

a - black

b - silver

c - gray

d - wait you have a ring on?

a - black


Which is my favorite book?

a - The House of the Scorpion

b - Where the Red Fern Grows

c - Hatchet

d - Scar Tissue

b - Where the Red Fern Grows (though I like all of them, this has been my favorite book thus far) (Also, I have read it 15 times ;))


What do you think my wife's name is?

a - Jenny

b - Caitlin

c - Sarah

d - I do not have a wife...

c - Sarah Sanchez (from now on it is Mrs. Sanchez though ;) lol)


What is our classroom number right now?

a - B211

b - A103

c - A104

d - A107

c - A104


Final Jeopardy - 

My son was born this past summer, 6/12/24... what is his name???

Jackson Cole Sanchez

Anyone have a guess what his nickname is??
