What do you like or love about being you?
Thank you for sharing! You are great the way you are!
How can you bring more work-life balance to your life?
New year, new you! You can do it!
What do you need more of in your life and why? (except for money haha)
Hope you achieve it!
What support do you desire in your life right now?
You deserve to be taken care of, too.
Describe your perfect day. How do you imagine it would feel to experience this?
Hope you'll have your perfect day always.
What's your philosophy in life?
You're doing great. That seems to be too much of a question :D
What does your inner child want you to acknowledge?
To healing the inner child within all of us <3
How do you feel about where you are in your life right now?
Things do get better!
What boundaries do you need to implement to better protect your time, energy, and resources?
Saying no is okay.
What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?
Imagine what you can achieve without your fear of failure.
What's something you disagree with about the way you were raised and why?
We have no control over some things but, you can make better choices now. Cheers to healing!
How can you turn your biggest regrets and disappointments into powerful learning experiences?
Wow! We also learned a lot. You're doing amazing!
What limiting beliefs are you ready to challenge or change?
Your courage will help you grow.
What aspect of yourself do you want more people to see and know?
Thanks for coming out of your shell.
What do you know you'll regret if you don't make it happen in your life?
Hope you'll have the courage soon.