Often people's least favourite subject, I enjoy working with numbers in this classic school subject.
What is Math?
Listening through my headphones bopping my head to whichever artist I feel like listening to.
What is listening to music?
My favourite animal to have around the house, usually with long tails and whiskers.
What is a cat?
The main reason I am here, to one day do this full time!
What is becoming a teacher?
My favourite colour, the same colour as a rose or the YouTube logo.
What is red?
With instruments such as a recorder and a ukulele, this is one of my new favourite subjects since going back to school to become a teacher.
What is music?
When I have the free time I love to kick back and do this activity either on my pc or tv.
What is playing video games?
Another one of my favourite pets, also referred to as "man's best friend".
What is a dog?
Something happening this summer, involving rings and tons of food and music!
What is a wedding?
I skipped this grade when I was much younger, making me the youngest student in my grade 1 class.
What is Senior Kindergarten/SK?
Playing dodgeball or European Handball are fun ways I liked to exercise in this indoor/outdoor subject.
What is gym/phys ed.?
Using this contraption with two wheels and a handlebar, I like to explore around in the summertime on this thing.
What is a bicycle/bike?
I used to have many of these in a tank, I would often go to the pet store to replace any that passed away.
What are fish?
I would love to have 3 of these later on in life, girl, boy, girl would be my preference.
What are children?
I used to play this instrument when I was younger, it has 6 strings and can be plugged into an amplifier.
What is a guitar?
My least favourite subject growing up, since poems and essays did not come easy to me.
What is English/Language Arts?
One of my favourite pastimes usually involving a bag of popcorn or some candy.
What is watching movies?
My current pet named Eevee, who is very hyper at only 2 years old and loves to climb, bite, and scratch everything in sight.
What is a cat?
I would love to play this sport a lot more down the road, involves hitting a ball with a metal or wooden club.
What is golf?
My all time favourite piece of media, with characters like Inceneroar, Greninja, and Mewtwo.
What is Pokemon?
The highest grade I ever achieved in school was in this class.
What is Math?
A game that Mr. Cantlon learned as a child and grew up playing very often, played on a checkered board.
What is chess?
My absolute least favourite pet, mostly because they are loud and if they escape their cage they are a pain to get back!
What are birds?
I loved going on these during the summer and would love to buy one for myself one day, requires a special license to use.
What is a boat?
The number of people in my family who have either been teachers or are currently teachers.
What is 4?