The amount of time you are given to transfer your answers onto the answer sheet.
None! You should complete the paper in the total amount of time given.
How many parts are there in the Writing paper?
Number of times you listen to the recordings.
Maximum number of candidates that may enter the examination room.
What does CAE stand for
Cambridge English: Advanced
The number of parts this Paper is comprised by.
Which writing task is compulsory?
An Essay
Number of minutes you will have at the end of the test to transfer your answers onto the separate answer sheet - for Paper Based exams.
What happens with Digital Exams?
5 minutes (PB)
2 minutes (Digital)
How many parts are there in the Speaking exam?
The last time the CAE changed formats was this year...
2 Reading Skills you need to develop for this Paper
1-Skimming (general understanding of texts)
2-Scanning (detailed reading / specific info)
What can you choose to write in part 2?
You can choose from THREE different options. E.g.:
-Article -Letter/Email -Report -Proposal -Review
How many questions are there in total?
What is the total length of the session?
15 minutes
This is what invigilators can't do during the exam session.
Explain instructions
How much time are you given to complete this paper?
1 hour and 30'
How many words should you write?
Between 220-260
How long is it?
Approx. 40'
This is the number of examiners who are in the session room.
2 (intelocutor & assessor)
Which paper carries the 40% of your final mark?
Reading & Use of English (20% each)
Which are the 4 tasks you need to complete in the USE?
1) Multiple Choice Cloze - 2) Open Cloze
3) Word Formation - 4) Key Word Transformation
How much time are you given?
1 hour and 30'
What kind of accent/s will you hear?
Any kind! British, Scottish, Australian, Irish, American, etc.
The areas you're assessed:
1) Grammatical Resource
2) Lexical Resource
3) Discourse Management
4) ...........................
5) Interactive Communication
4) Pronunciation
True or False? You should pass al the papers in order to pass the exam.
False! Your final mark will be an average of all the papers.