This student enjoys kayaking on the Little Miami River in Dayton, Ohio.
Who is John Doe?
This student's favorite food is sushi
Who is Cindy Brady?
This student graduated from the University of Michigan.
Who is Dan Connor?
Prior to applying for OT school, this student was a police officer in Chicago, Illinois.
Who is Howard Walowitz?
This student chose OT as their career because their grandfather was treated by an Occupational Therapist when he had his stroke in 2012.
Who is John Teller?
This student collects vintage baseball cards.
Who is Greg Brady?
This student is a vegetarian
Who is Darlene Connor?
This student's favorite college football team is the Nebraska Cornhuskers.
Who is Andy Griffith?
This student currently works as a bartender for Applebees.
Who is Becky Connor?
This person is currently a Certified OT assistant and decided to return to OT school to become a full Occupational Therapist.
Who is Oprah Winfrey?
This student spends their off time painting landscapes.
Who is Jane Doe?
This student loves to eat Italian food.
Who is Peter Brady?
This student currently works at the University of Findlay in Findlay, Ohio.
Who is Sheldon Cooper?
Prior to joining the OT program, this student was a kindergarten teacher.
Who is Roseanne Connor?
This student suffered a head injury in 2010 and was treated by an Occupational Therapist while in the hospital. Because of that experience, they decided they wanted to become an OT.
Who is Sean Hannity?
This student participates in "Spartan Races" on the weekend.
Who is Bobby Brady?
This student's favorite dessert is strawberry cheesecake.
Who is: Roseanne Connor
This student graduated from Purdue University with a degree in chemical engineering?
Who is Kim Kardashian?
This student currently works as a high school basketball coach for Stebbins High School in Dayton, Ohio.
Who is Jax Teller?
This person initially started her educational journey in PT school but had the opportunity to watch an OT working in the same clinic as her PT fieldwork instructor during her clinical rotation. After watching the activities that this OT did with her patients, she decided OT was a "better fit" and changed her major.
Who is Jackie Harris?
This student enjoys sculpting clay garden gnomes for her flower garden.
Who is Jan Brady?
This student loves to eat Chinese food
Who is: Marcia Brady
This student graduated from the University of Dayton with a degree in Athletic Training.
Who is Jennifer Anniston
This professor used to serve in the USAF as a medical service specialist.
Who is Professor Weir?
This current student broke his wrist 4 years ago in high school and was treated by a hand therapist who was an OT. That OT left such a positive impression on him that he decided to follow in their footsteps and apply for OT school after he graduated from high school.
Who is Luke Bryan?