I grew up near Baltimore, MD
Jenn Lingg
I’ve known how to play the alto saxophone since I was in 4th grade
Dylan Smith
I collect maps, particularly from Tourism and Transportation departments. One of my favorite maps are from Imus Geographics
Jeremy Rivera
I originally went to college for nursing
Merrick Dejelo
I went on vacation with my workout group to Honduras
Lindsay Berg
I had media passes at the 2016 New Years Eve celebration in Times Square
Matt Wittels
I’m a Beyoncé super fan
Jen Sakanich
I was born exactly 100 years after my great grandfather
Zach West
I have 'heteorchromia iridium', which is just a fancy name for having two different colored eyes
Anna Delserone
I’ve read more books in the last year than I have in the last 20+ years combined
Kate Shumar
My cat is a microinfluencer on Instagram and has 25.8K followers
Jackie Gates
I taught myself to play the guitar at 19, and have been playing since
Chris Havrilla
I’ve eaten reindeer tongue in Finland and chicken hearts in Brazil
Rachel Marcellino
My cousin was the captain on 3 missions in space
Bob Mossbruger
I have a 22 year old indoor plant named Medusa
Brad Shay
I was once able to celebrate Christmas Eve at Notre-Dame de Paris and a snowy New Year’s Eve on the Champs Élysée
Kristen Whitacre
I was training for my 1st half marathon prior to lock down and even though the race was changed to virtual, I completed my 1st half marathon running around my neighborhood.
Alexis Kota
Kanitta Kolar
How many SAPs (standard audit programs) are there?
When I was in elementary school, I auditioned for the role of Snow White in the play, Snow White, and they cast me as a tree
Maura Wilkinson