What grade is Priscilla in?
She is in 10th grade!
What Grade is Gabriella in?
10th Grade!
What grade is Edwin in?
Edwin is in 12th grade
What grade is Joesph in?
He is in 9th grade
What is Priscillas theatre experience or what is she looking forward to about learning?
She has been doing theatre since the fourth grade and she is looking forward to learn how to costume design!
What is Gabriella's theatre experience or what is she looking forward to about learning?
Gabriella has been in the theatre world since seventh grade! She would like to learn how things work behind the scenes during a theatrical play.
What is Edwin looking forward to about learning?
He wants to pass his classes and have fun in here.
What is Joesphs theatre experience?
He has experienced theatre in the eighth grade.
What is Priscilla's favorite movie and or tv show?
Her favorite movie is Coraline!
Her favorite tv show is Steven the Universe!
What is Gabriella's favorite movie and or tv show?
Gabriella's favorite movie is Bad Boys II!
Gabriella's Favorite Tv Show is SpongeBob!
What is Edwins favorite movie and or tv show!
His favorite movie would be The walking dead!
His favorite tv show would be the last of us!!
What is Joesphs favorite movie and or tv show?!
His favorite movie is The Advengers!
His Favorite Tv Show is The Walking Dead!
What is Priscilla's Favorite Musician?
Her favorite music artist would be Billie Eilish!
What is Gabriella's Favorite Musician?
Gabriella's Favorite Music artist is Brent Faiyaz!!
What is Edwins favorite music artist?
His favorite music artist would be Drake!
What is Joesphs favorite music artist?
His favorite music artist is Jace!
How many cats does Priscilla have?!
She has 3 cats!
What does Gabriella like to do on her free time?
Gabriella Likes to color on her free time!
What sport does Edwin play?
Edwin plays soccer!!
What sports does Joesph play?