Atlanta Office
"Trabajando Desde Casa"
"Code Change"
"Project Go-Live"
"Blend it & Mix it"

This Atlanta All Star is always curious, enjoys steamed crab legs, reading, guitar, poker, and camping. This person is also: 

Watching Right Now: Luke Cage

Hometown: on a bay that opens to Gulf of Mexico 

Favorite Place: Seven Mile Beach in Negril,Jamaica 

Who is:  Dan Esrey 


Pizza, Swimming, and Beaches are a few of her favorites, she also enjoys: 

Favorite Book: The Magnolia Story 

Secret Talent: Baton Twirler 

Favorite Word: Energetic

Favorite Sports Player: Eli Manning

Who is: Mary Brandon


This Code Change Mastermind enjoys photography, family and friends. This person is also: 

Secret Talent: Sketching

Favorite Food: Chaat

Passion: Cinematography 

Who is: Anish Khale 


This Project All Star is very "tall" and has over 14 pets. This person also bowls, golfs

Favorite Video Game: PubG

Secret Talent: Drinking

Favorite Player:Zeek Elliot  

Passion: Wine 

Who is : Chris Knowles 


Let's mix it up because this person enjoys biking, golfing, and college football.

Watching Right Now: Game of Thrones 

Secret Talent: "It's a Secret" 

Favorite Team: Golden State Warriors  

Passion:Georgia and Arkansas Football 

Favorite Place in the World: Tortola BVI

Who is: Ed Broyles


This Atlanta Rock Star loves playing the guitar and previously played baseball and who is also:

Passionate About: Computers, Sports, and Classic Cars

Favorite Food: Scallops 

Favorite Sports Player: Derek Jeter 

Who is: Tyler Jones 


This All Star enjoys soccer, reading, movies, video games, and sushi. This person also enjoys: 

Reading Right Now: God of War

Secret Talent: Fifa Master

Favorite Player: James Rodriguez 

Passion:Understanding Scientific Nature 

Who is: Carlos Osorio 


This Code Change Mastermind enjoys extra large spicy crawfish, gaming, and technology. This person also: 

Favorite Place in the World: Cebu 

Favorite Player: Usain Bolt

Pets: 1 Chiweenie 

Who is: Dien Pham 


This Project Rockstar enjoys playing volleyball, guitar hero, tennis and golf. This person also: 

Watching on Netflix: "What the Health Documentary"

Secret Talent: Playing Piano 

Favorite Team: Atlanta Falcons , no matter what


Who is: Danielle Wallace


Let's mix it up because this person enjoys politics and genealogy. This person also enjoys: 

Reading Right Now: For Whom the Bell Tolls

Secret Talent: Gymnast 

Favorite Team: Dallas Cowboys 

Who is:Harry Cummins 


This Atlanta Rock Star enjoys golfing, tennis, and grilling just to name a few, and this person is also:

Secret Talent: Photography

Favorite Word: Awesome 

Favorite Player:Christiano Ronaldo  

Who is: Marco Mojica 


This Remote All Star enjoys the mountains, Pad Thai, and running. This person also: 

Secret Talent: Yo-yoing

Favorite Player: Gary Robbins 

Hobbies: Beekeeping, Gardening, and Automation  

Who is: Sloan Poe 


This Code Change Mastermind enjoys technology, fresh air, food, mountains, snorkeling, kayaking, fishing and camping. 

Favorite Food: Fresh Avocado Smoothie 

Secret Talent: Counseling 

Favorite Team: Golden State Warriors


Who is: Jerry Ferrer


This Project Rock Star describes their self in one word, "perseverance", and love french fries, nature, traveling, and the beach. This person also:  

Reading Right Now: Supernatural 

Secret Talent: Game Development 

Favorite Player: Ronaldinho Gaucho  

Passion: Family, Coding, and Dark Chocolate 

Who is: Vinicius Guerrero 


Let's Mix it up because this person enjoys tacos, volunteering, knitting and crocheting. This person also:

Watching Right Now: Orange is the new Black 

Superhero of Choice: Wonder Woman  

Favorite Player: Serena Williams  

Pets: No current pets but wants a yorkie

Who is: Terri Benton 


This Atlanta Rock Star describes their self as fair, while also enjoying cycling and running, this person also: 

Pets: has (1) Cat

Secret Talent: "It's a secret" 

Favorite Player: Eric Heiden

Passion: Family & Friends

Who is: Charles Potts


This person enjoys yoga, cooking, and friends. This person also enjoys: 

Watching Right Now: Shameless

Secret Talent: "Then it wouldn't be a secret"

Favorite Player: LeBron James 

Passion: Family 

Favorite Place: Home

Who is: Tiffany Pesek 


This Code Change Mastermind enjoys cycling and painting. This person also: 

Favorite Video Game: Ero Truck Simulator  

Secret Talent: Oil Painting 

Favorite Place: Home 

Who is: Jeeves


This Project All Star enjoys knitting, gardening, and seafood: 

Reading Right Now: "Francisca, yo te amo"

Secret Talent: Crafts

Favorite Player: Gary Medel

Who is: Claudia Fabrega


Let's mix it up because this is a Daily Double. 

This person enjoys riding motorcycles, and this person is also: 

Favorite Player: Valentino Rossi

Favorite Food: Milk Fish Belly

Favorite Place: Sepang Malaysia 

Who is: Michael Lawrence


This Atlanta Rock Star loves swimming, food, and has (2) Dogs, this person also is: 

Watching Right Now: Resident Evil

Secret Talent: Swimming

Favorite Player: Kylian Mbappe

Passion:World History, Drawing, Cars

Who is:  Juan Ordaz


This All Star enjoys building, fix cars, racing, burgers, steaks, and ribs. This person also enjoys: 

Watching Right Now: The Office 

Favorite Player: Michael Jordan 

Favorite Place: Japan 

Who is: Oscar De Garcia


This Code Change Mastermind enjoys food and good weather. This person also: 

Reading Right Now: JS/Node JS

Secret Talent: "Singing Happy Birthday" 

Favorite Player: CP3 Chris Paul 

Favorite Food: Rice and Dinengdeng with Fish 

Favorite Place: Cebu 

Who is: Randy Garces 


This Project All Star enjoys soccer, tennis, movies, and grilling

Reading Right Now: Birds of Steel

Secret Talent: Home Improvement Builder

Favorite Player: Claudio Bravo 

Favorite Place: Home with family 

Who is: Jonathan Baez


Let's mix it up because this person's favorite place in the world in New Zealand. This person also enjoys: 

Favorite Player: Richie MC CAW

Passion: Family 

Best Word to Describe them: Loyal 

Who is: Mike Dare
