What are some of your favorite movies?
My favorites include:
The Notebook, UP, and Saving Private Ryan
Beach or Mountains?
My response: I would personally pick the mountains!
What is a holiday tradition your family follows?
My response: My mom will always make a Christmas pudding for us, and put a "lucky sixpence" in it. Whoever finds it, will have good luck for the upcoming year.
Do you have a morning routine that you follow? What does it include?
My response: I will drink a cup of coffee or tea on my couch in silence. I will get my ice roller and de-puff my eyes. Then I will make my bed!
Who is your favorite band or musician?
My favorite bands include Creedence Clearwater Revival and The Teskey Brothers
Dogs or Cats?
My response: I would pick dogs, but I do love both!
What is the best place you have ever visited?
My response: Glacier National Park, Grand Teton National Park, bottom of the Grand Canyon, or Niagara Falls in Canada.
My response: I have multiple calendars to help me out throughout the day. On my phone, on my computer, on a whiteboard at home, and on paper.
Do you have any hobbies?
I enjoy camping, hiking, fishing, long boarding, binge watching Criminal Minds, or doing The NY Times Puzzles!
Winter, Summer, Spring, or Fall?
My response: anything but winter!
Who was your best friend growing up?
My best friend was my older sister Leigh. She is still one of my best friends!
What is your ideal way to relax?
My response: catching up on homework and sleep, going on a walk, spending time with my friends.
What personal goals do you have for yourself in therapy?
My personal goals are:
Improving my adaptability, continuing to reflect on my sessions afterwards, and using the constructive feedback from my supervisor to better my clinical skills!
Sweet or savory?
My response: Savory! Working at a bakery has made me not want to eat sweets anymore!
What is a moment in your life you will never forget?
My response: Getting an email from UCA saying I got accepted into their program!
Is there something you find challenging during your day that we could focus on improving together in therapy? (Example: getting tasks done, remembering to take medications, etc...)
My response: I have to make checklists or else I will forget what I am supposed to do. They help me a ton!
As your student clinician, how can I support you in a way that would be most beneficial to you this semester?
For me: I value your input. I will try to make therapy as fun and functional for you. Collaboration and motivation between the both of us will make this semester great!
Coffee or tea?
My response: I grew up drinking tea with my Nanny and mom. My favorite drink is a chai tea or London Fog!
I understand you went through a significant accident. Would you feel comfortable sharing what happened and how it has affected you?
How do you cope with stress and take care of your mental health?
My response: Taking a nap, going outside, sitting in silence while drinking tea, journaling my thoughts, or calling my sister.