How do you stay organized at school?
I stay organized at school by...
If you had to choose 1 thing about your family/home life that you enjoy the most what would it be?
Have you traveled outside of Illinois before? If so, where?
I have/have not traveled outside of Illinois...
Do you have a favorite spot at school (certain bench, area on the playground)?
My favorite spot at school is...
Where do you tend to spend the most time at home?
I spent the most time at home in...
When was the last time you felt anxious?
The last time I felt anxious was...
What is the most meaningful memory you have with your family?
The most meaningful memory I have with my family is...
What was your favorite thing about this summer?
My favorite thing about this summer is...
What are your goals for this school year?
My goals for this school year are...
Is it easy for you to make friends? Why/why not?
It is/is not easy for me to make friends...