What is Mrs. Ristic's favourite sport?
How many kids does Ms. Ristic have?
7th & 8th Grade
What is the grade Ms. Ristic currently teaches?
What is the city Ms. Ristic was born in?
What is something that Ms. Ristic would never drink?
What is Mrs. Ristic's favorite number?
a dog
What pet does Ms. Ristic have?
11 years
What is the number of years Ms. Ristic has taught grades 7&8?
Swimming, Band, Ruby
What are the sports/hobbies Ms. Ristic did in High School?
8 nights
What are the nights Ms. Ristic spent camping this summer?
What is Ms. Ristic's favorite color?
The dishes
What is Ms. Ristic's least favourite chore?
What is Ms. Ristic's favourite subject?
What is the year Ms. Ristic graduated high school?
What is the only continent that Ms. Ristic has not visited?
Puns, Dad jokes, riddles
What is Ms. Ristic's terrible humour?
Aubrey & Asher
What are the names of Ms. Ristic's kids?
Lifeguard, White Water Canoe Instructor, Tutor, Captain in the Army
What are the other jobs Ms. Ristic had before becoming a teacher?
Archie & June
What are the names of Ms. Ristic's childhood pets?
Marine Biologist, Psychologist, Researcher
What are the jobs Ms. Ristic wanted before becoming a teacher?
Family time, being outdoors, swimming, cooking, sports, paddling
What are the things Ms. Ristic likes to do with her free time?
19 years
What are the number of years Ristic has been in school for her education?
What is Ms. Ristic's passion?
What is the number of siblings Ms. Ristic has?