This counselor's sister is avodah unit head
Who is
how old is the etgar?
what is 7 years old
The Israelites traveled for this many years...?
What is 40 years.
This building used to be the chadar ochel
what is the beit am?
This is the name of Hanna's dog
Who is Maggie
this counselor has an identical twin
who is emma? (her twin is annie)
This person was camp director before Jeremy Klotz
who is Marc Covitz?
Who Is Aaron?
The nickname for the chevrah
what is the splinter dome?
what is Gurwin
this counselor was one of the people responsible for covering the girls bathroom in cheese in avodah
who is sammy freedman?
This building is the oldest building on camp
what is the beit am?
This person was the first prime minister of Israel
Who is David Ben Gurion?
Project used to be held in this building
What is the oolam?
this is hannas biggest fear
what is dustin rabin?
Who is Siga?
The tarboot was built in this year...
this holiday is also known as the feast of the tabernacles
what is sukkot
the wooden structure by the basketball courts is called...
what is the mifgash chaverim?
What is Hanna's sister's name?
This counselor's favorite food is cheese.
Who is Matt?
When did Ron Klotz become director?
What is 1975?
This leader destroyed the first holy temple
who is King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon?
There are this many bedrooms above the beit am.
what is 6?
Hanna was born in this year...
What is 2000?