Vests & Name Tags
What are things that should be worn during all work hours?
3 spaces beyond the furthest cart corral.
Where is it acceptable to park?
"Choosey Mom's choose..."
What is Jif Peanut Butter?
The goal for pre-compliance %
What is 90%
Found in the baking aisle what is the primary ingredient in chocolate chip cookies?
What is flour?
Khakis, Blue or Black Jeans
What type of pants are acceptable during work?
In car or designated area.
Where is smoking, vaping or chewing tobacco permitted?
"They're Great!"
What are Frosted Flakes?
Do this when products are behind doors
What is open door before taking picture
In the produce section, what small red fruit is full of antioxidants?
What are strawberries?
Full UPC, Item Code and number of facings
What is the correct way to hand write a tag
Putting aside for purchasing later.
What is not part of the Vendor purchase policy?
"The quicker picker upper"
What is Bounty?
2 of the 4 task sections
What are Identify, Remove, Move, and Restock
Known for its tangy flavor what dairy product is crafted by fermentation of milk?
What is yogurt?
Ear Buds and Cell Phones
What things are not permitted during work hours?
Both Team Lead and Territory Supervisor
Who should be contacted if you won't be at work?
"Please, don't squeeze the..."
What is Charmin?
The 4 areas to check in each photo
Whate are top shelf, bottom shelf, left and right sides
This spice, associated with autumn is derived from the bark of a tree.
What is cinnamon?
Hoodies and Hats
What are not acceptable parts of the dress code?
Food/ Drinks or Personal Items
What are things not permitted in the aisles?
"It's the Real Thing."
What is Coca Cola?
2 things to do when all tasks are complete
What are Click End shift and then Log Out
What type of pasta is shaped like small rice grains and is popular in soups?
What is orzo?