The name of Georgetown's physical Bulldog mascot
This meme has had a surprisingly long lifespan, starting in 2015 and still going until today, starring a popular artist from Toronto in a famous music video.
Drake's Hotline Bling meme
The most popular esport and the most recognizable female video game character
League Lara
This streamer recently broke the Twitch Record for most concurrent subscribers of all time
The LEC Representative at MSI 2021
MAD Lions
This fast food place is next to the Book Store on campus
Chick Fil A
This little green character took over the entire internet in 2019
Baby Yoda
Madden Mario
This emote was removed from the global emote pool after its face, Ryan 'Gootecks' Gutierrez said some dumb stuff on the internet
The mid laner on the other side of the famous "WHAT WAS THAT" Zed outplay
KT Ryu
Freshman and Transfers don't know what this is like
Living on Campus
To the moon!
The classic yellow ball arcade game and the most profitable yellow rat
Pac-man Pikachu
Twitch Affiliates get 1 sub emote per tier past 1, and Twitch Partners get ___ sub emotes
This Overwatch League team has been quite the surprise in the 2021 season, currently undefeated and in 3rd place in the league after being predicted my many to be a bottom tier team yet again.
The Houston Outlaws
If you step on the seal, this happens
You won't graduate
This American political figure has been a feature in many recent memes in the past year
Bernie Sanders
Playstation's god of war and EA's newest dodgeball based game
Kratos Knockout City
This team has won the past two TIs in DOTA 2, the first team to ever win two in a row
Three students were busted in 2010 for running a meth lab in this freshman dormitory
Harbin Hall
Give me your best "DO U KNO DE WAY" impression. I don't care it isn't in the form of a question. Perform and you get the points
Good job!
The most popular 3rd person MOBA and the most curse addition to Smash Ultimate
Smite Steve
These 3 words were banned from Twitch's platform with and update to the harassment policy recently, bringing a lot of controversy.
'Simp' 'Virgin and 'Incel'
This esport is a massive hit in Europe, despite it's seemingly slower, relaxed and more rural gameplay style.
Farming Simulator