Describe perfect friendship?
Answers will vary
Describe Socratic questioning and/or the socratic process
Ask questions that make people think deeply; no one-sided answers
Richard the Reformed Murderer, The Beaten Daughter, and the General and the Boy are stories used to show...
the problem of evil
What is right is what is morally obligatory. What is morally obligatory is what you should do. Of course, you should do something because it is the right thing to do.
Circular reasoning
Evie lives in this residence hall (double if you can name the mascot)
True or False? According to the virtue ethics theory of morality, actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness
False , utilitarianism
“I know only one thing–that I know nothing.”
Choose (1) of the following questions: (1) this is an example of ... (2) who said this?
socratic ignorance or wisdom
What are the three (3) criteria to take a leap of faith?
(1) Living
(2) forced
(3) Momentous
Genuine option - acceptable to take a leap of faith
In recent studies researchers have show that women have more accurate intuition than men do. The reason cited is that men's intuition is more often mistaken.
The argument and evidence are the same.
Who won March Madness yesterday? (Double the points for the score)
Kansas (69-72)
This moral theory emphasizes character over right actions; the sort of person we are constitutes the heart of our moral life.
what is Virtue Ethics?
"an environment where a person only encounters information or opinions that reflect and reinforce their own."
What is an echo chamber?
Describe doxastic voluntarism
assumes that we have a certain degree of control over what we believe. We may choose to believe something or not
I believe in the Bible because it is the written word of God through his prophets. Obviously, God would not lie to his prophets. After all, the Bible says so.
The argument is circular.
This woman just coached her team to a Women's NCAA basketball championship
Dawn Staley
Choose at least (1) question:
- This person's contribution to philosophy was utilitarianism
- Name the three basic principles of utilitarianism?
- John Stuart Mill
- Pleasure or Happiness is the only thing that truly has intrinsic value, actions are right insofar as they produce happiness wrong if the produce unhappiness, everyone's happiness counts equally
The following terms are defined as: (1) "x" skepticism is the view that one cannot possess knowledge in some particular domain. It contrasts with "y" skepticism (also known as absolute skepticism or universal skepticism), the view that one cannot know anything at all.
local and global skepticism
Describe natural theology
a set of philosophical arguments that aim to demonstrate either that a god exists or (assuming he exists) that he possesses certain properties, like being the cause of everything in the universe or being unchanging.
The apology is due .... (when?)
April 29 @ 11:59pm
There will be construction on this road for the rest of the year and throughout the summer
Douglas Road
According to Plato, these are the three elements of the soul.
Rational, spirited, appetitive
This is concerned with establishing a rational method, by which we can distinguish truth from falsehood, certainties from uncertainties, genuine knowledge from mere beliefs.
What is Descartes' method of doubt?
Definition: It is wrong always, everywhere, and for anyone, to believe anything upon insufficient evidence.
Ethics of belief
Provide two (2) reasons why counterexamples are important.
Answers will vary
This residence hall doesn't have air conditioning, great water quality or any amenities really...but it has community
cavanaugh hall, home of the chaos est. 1936