What does "mammoth" mean?
huge, very big
What is the name of today's text?
Mammoth Cave
This building is thousands of years old. It's __________!
Millions of years ago, Mammoth Cave was covered by an enormous _____________.
What is today's reading skill?
fact or opinion
These come up from the ground in a cave. They are not stalactites.
What has been found inside Mammoth Cave?
mummies, sandals, and ancient footprints
Scientists believe some people lived in Mammoth Cave because the remains of campfires have been found - fact or opinion?
These come down from the top of the cave. The stick to the ceiling.
Why do scientists think people lived inside Mammoth Cave?
Because they found the remains of campfires.
What is an essay?
An essay is a short non-fiction writing that people write to show what they know about a topic and what they think.
Millions of years ago Mammoth Cave was covered by an enormous ocean. When the ocean ____________ the caves were left behind.