What kind of electricity enables a photocopier to produce instant copies?
Static electricity
I am entirely neutral and unaffected by electromagnetism.
A device containing an electric cell or a series of electric cells storing chemical energy that can be converted into electrical power, usually in the form of direct current.
Neutrinos travel close to the speed of light
What particle orbits an atom's nucleus?
An AIR CLEANER uses this to remove fine particles from the air.
Electrostatic precipitator
I am the opposite of normal matter
The opposition offered by an electrical conductor to the flow of a current through itself,
Humans can generally see ten thousand colors
False - 10 Million
Melanin blocks the absorption of what vitamin?
Vitamin D
What type of filter is used in an air cleaner?
Carbon filter
I am the force of attraction that holds an atom's nucleus together by holding quarks together.
Strong Force
Define Voltage
Electrons are positively charged
Up, down, top, bottom, strange and charm are different types of these.
Atoms that have an electrical charge are called this.
This flow of charged particles, such as electrons or ions, moving through an electrical conductor or space is called _________________.
An electric current
Antimatter is a billion times more powerful than burning oil.
What is cost per milligram of antimatter?
$300 Billion
Name the two types of electrical current
DC - Direct Current
AC- Alternating Current
It is believed that I am the particle that gives matter its mass.
Higgs Boson
Define Ohm's Law
Electric current through a conductor between two points is directly proportional to the voltage across the two points.
Protons are the key to nuclear reactions
False- neutrons
When an atom's nucleus splits, what is released?
radioactive alpha particles