The name for a part of the Ghanaian capital city thought to be the home of Ouagadou-Bida
The Sacred Grove of El Ghaba
According to legend, his death led to the fall of Ghana
This is the name of the salt mine to the north of Ghana
What is the name of the people who practice Islam?
This is a somewhat derogatory term used to describe someone who practices a religion other than one of the major world religions practiced today
Look at your Jeopardy Map. At which numbered place (1-4) would Arab traders have met a Ghanaian middle man first?
This Moslem preacher started a sect that would one day take over the city of Koumbi
Ibn Yacin
What is the name of the secret gold mine (probably) located to the south of Ghana?
This is the name of the prophet who spoke for Allah
In what direction (North, South, East, or West) was Mecca in relation to Ghana?
This city had two major parts, and had many mosques and marketplaces
A large group of camels and people carrying goods from one place to another
Look at your Jeopardy Map. At which two locations would Arab traders pay taxes? How did these taxes benefit the Ghanaian Empire?
2, 4 These taxes allowed the Ghanaian Empire to become very wealthy and powerful
What is the Koran?
The Moslem Holy Book
Where was Wangara
South of Ghana although no one knows the actual location of the gold mine. Remember Wangara was not in Ghana
This place was known for being "pagan" despite the fact that there were many mosques (Moslem temples) in its capital city
The name for the Islamic sect started by Ibn Yacin
The Almoravids
How did the Kings of Ghana control the value of gold?
The Kings of Ghana claimed ownership of all gold nuggets; merchants were only allowed access to gold dust.
Muhammad's birthplace; is the holiest place in Islam
According to the legend of Ouagadou-Bida, this woman's fiance may have caused the fall of Ghana
At place "3" on your jeopardy map, Arab traders would go to a designated trading post, and engage in something called the "silent barter" with the Wangarans. Name two steps of the silent barter process
1. Arab traders lay down salt *beat drums and go far away 2. Wangarans lay down gold next to the salt *beat drums and go hide 3. Arab traders examine the gold left by the Wangarans, and if they are satisfied, take the gold and leave.
This man is famous for writing down almost all we know about the Ghanaian Empire.
Ibn Battuta
Why was salt so important in Ghana?
1. Humans need to consume salt to survive 2. Salt was very scarce in Ghana
What are The Five Pillars of Islam? Write them down! Order doesn't matter.
1. Declaring there is no god except God, and Muhammad is God's Messenger 2. Praying 5 times a day 3. Fasting during Ramadan 4. Charity Giving 2.5% of one's earnings to the poor needy 5. Making a pilgrimage to Mecca
What was the biggest difference between how Ghanaian Kings felt about people with other religions and how the Almoravids felt about people who did not practice Islam?
The Ghanaian Kings, although they worshipped Ouagadou-Bida, accepted people who practiced other religions happily. The Almoravids would kill anyone who did not convert to Islam.