How did Jerome describe Grandma?
worrying and spiritual
How is Kim important to Jerome?
She's his sister
Where did Carlos go to school before?
San Antonio
where did Jerome first see Sarah?
The Hearing in the court
what is one theme of the book?
what does Grandma have in her room?
A stand with candles and a picture of Jerome's Grandpa
what look did Kim have when Carlos tried to give the toy to Jerome?
A look that says please don't take it
Like Grandma, Carlos has a stand but with picture of who?
?How does Jerome describe Sarah?
Small, Crystal blue eyes, and blonde
What is another theme?
How did Jerome know Grandma could sense him?
Jerome said "She looks up and through me... Does she see me"(Rhodes 23).
what does Kim do when she hears gunshots
Why did Carlos struggle to tell the truth?
because it was the Jerome died
why was Sarah being distant from her dad?
She was disappointed that he lied
What is a lesson?
Someone may promise something, but not keep it
What did Carlos put on Jerome's grave?
A basketball
what did Carlos's mom bring?
sugar skulls