What did Ghost's dad to to get himself in jail?
He shot at Ghost and his mom
Who is the man that owns the store Ghost goes to daily?
Mr. Charles
Why does Coach Brody drive a cab?
That's his main money making job
What did Coach Brody's car look like inside?
A mess
Stuff everywhere
Most of the runners sprinted across the finish line but Sunny just loped in after them.
What does "lope" mean?
To run in a relaxed way with long strides
What is Ghosts favorite snack?
sunflower seeds
Who is the fastest kid on the Defenders?
Why does Ghost agree to run for Coach Brody?
He said it will help his legs get so strong he'll be able to dunk and Ghost loves basketball
Where does Ghost live?
Glass Manor
I know I can get all of my work done as long as I don’t procrastinate.
What does procrastinate mean?
To put off doing something until the last minute
Where does Ghost's mom work?
The hospital
Who is Tyrone?
Coach Brody's son?
Why does Ghost go to the bus stop?
Ghost goes to the bus stop because it's across the street from the gym and he likes to watch everyone look like they're about to pass out, he thinks it's funny.
Who are the 3 newbies on The Defenders?
Lu, Sunny, and Patina
The boy won an award for exemplary behavior and work ethic.
What does exemplary mean?
Extremely good, deserving to be an example
What is the name of the track team Ghost unknowingly tried out for?
The Defenders
Ghost thinks that Coach Brody looks like a chipped-tooth what?
A chipped-tooth turtle
Why is Castle's nickname "Ghost?"
Mr. Charles looked at Castle and his mom like they were two ghosts in his store the night his dad was shooting at them
Why didn't Ghost ever get to play basketball?
The old heads didn't like playing with people his age
I winced when I got my flu shot, the needle pinched!
What does wince mean?
To make a face showing pain or embarrassment
What made Ghost's mom change her mind about Ghost joining The Defenders?
Coach Brody promised her he would make sure Ghost behaved, got home safely, and got his homework done
Who was the character that wasn't fast but was good at long distance running?
Why do you think chapter 2 is called "World Record for the Fastest Tryout Ever"?
Ghost raced Lu to show himself and anyone who was watching that he was faster than him and that quick race impressed the coach enough to offer him a place on the team as if the race was Ghosts tryout
Chapter 2 ended with Ghost saying it was the first time for something, what was it the first time for?
It was the first time he was on a team
My brother scoffed at my idea to start a lemonade business, he didn’t think it would make any money.
What does scoff mean?
To laugh at or talk about in a way that shows disrespect.