Lecture style hall that has 3 projectors and awesome seats
What is the Presentation Room?
Katie Lowery and Shonda Christensen
Who are the FLI's
What is the acronym for Community Based Accountability System
Where learning can happen?
Makes students feel welcome and engaged
Center for Learning and Innovation...or cafe, library, and instructional tech
What is the CLI?
PEIMS Clerk and Principal's Secretary
Shawna Allen
The official communication tool of extracurricular activities
What is Parent Square?
What is feedback?
Frames and closes, leads dialogue, and engages with students
What is the Fundamental 5
Resolved people solve problems
What is the resolution room?
CTE/CCMR Director, not related to Stevie
Who is Nikki Nix
What is google chat?
Guaranteed distraction tools, also known as dopamine dispensers
What are cell phones?
Shows up to all the school functions
What is the Godley community?
Kids work here when dialoguing, writing, and collaborating, but keep that phone up and food off the carpet
What is the Collaboration Space
Deals with subs all day, but not as a sandwich artist
Who is Vanessa Garcia
Kids are more than a score
What is a statement that shows EOC isn't the only measuring tool?
What is the football field?
TAFE had 2 students make it to this level of competition
What is nationals?
Room on 3rd floor where help is always available to discuss how to make lessons great
What is the FLI Office?
Eye Candy
What is another name for Kurtis J. Flood
Wholistic approach to ask what the benefits of an education
What is CBAS?
What kids will need for their future in working with people
What are soft skills?
Adults that make every decision in the best interest of students.
What is GHS?