First, Johnny Cash hunts for moose.
Katthe, Johnny Cash Kanday ka ładäya.
Ätl’ą̄y k’e, Theo kanday yädäch’äl.
after that, Theo skins the moose.
Snoopy kanday gha ät’äw.
Snoopy cuts the moose hair.
Piper kanday utägen tadägèt.
Piper scrapes the moose’s flesh.
Ayet Grinch uwätsį äghò.
That Grinch shaves the hair-side.
Nųchų kulį k’e, kanday dhü dakät ch’e.
In the fall time, the moose hide is thick.
Adinlāt k’e, kwädhü tląyą ch’äw sothän.
In the spring time, their hides are really good.
Łäla dükàt dū.
Make it an even thickness.
Dāl utsį k’anųtsal dū chu hak’ü yè.
You will wash off the blood with cold water.
Ädhü mày shats’et’äw.
People cut around the hide in a circle.
Jąw Johnny Cash kanday ka ładäya?
Where does Johnny Cash hunt for moose?
Theo kanday dhü yenälį, äyet kwaka, kanday yädäch’äl.
Theo wants moose hide, that’s why he skins the moose.
Snoopy cuts the moose hair with a knife.
Snoopy mbür yè kanday gha ä’t’äw.
Piper scrapes the flesh of one moose.
Łäch’į kanday utägen tadägèt.
Does that Grinch Shave his shirt?
Ayet Grinch u’ür äghòa?
Yes, Maybe.
Aghay, Nųa.
Who’s hides are really good?
Mą Kwädhü tląyą ch’äw sothan?
Who makes it an even thickness?
Mą łäla dükat dū?
How will you wash off the blood?
Jųts’ų Dāl utsį k’anųtsal?
What hide are you cutting around in a circle?
Ye dhü mày shant’äw?
How does Johnny Cash hunt for moose?
Jų̄tsų̀ Johnny Cash kanday ka ładäya?
He doesn’t skin fast, He skins the moose slowly.
Äjù kanday hak’al k’e yädäch’äl, kanday khaya ch’äw yädäch’äl.
Shän, k’ùk ít’äw.
Me, I cut paper.
Ye tadígèt?
What do I scrape?
Kät’ą k’e uwätsį äghò.
He shaved the hair-side yesterday.
Yuk’e kulį k’e, kanday dhü dakät nàach’äw?
In the winter time, are the moose hides thick?
Ye nena łay kwädhü adinlāt k’e tląyą ch’äw sothän?
What other animals have really good hides?
Johnny Cash kanday dhü łäla dükat dū.
Johnny Cash makes the moose hide an even thickness.
Chu ädhäl yè dāl k’anųtsala?
Kanday dhü mày shaít’äw
I cut around moose hide in a circle.
Gá tayke ka ładįya.
you hunt for three rabbit.
Dàandür łu yädįch’äl?
How many fish do you skin?
Bubbles, are you cutting caribou hair?
Bubbles, udzi gha Nt’äwa?
How do I scrape a blanket?
Jų̄ts’ų̀ ts’ät tadígèt?
The knife is not sharp.
Mbür äjù dedä̀t.
Yes, in the fall time moose hides are thick.
Äghāy, nųchų kulį k’e, kanday dhü dakät ch’e.
In the spring time, the caribou hides are really good.
Adinlāt k’e, Udzi kwädhü tląyą ch’äw sothän.
Tägwät yè kanday dhü łäla dükat dū.
Who washes off the blood with cold water?
Mą Dāl utsį k’anųtsal dū chu hak’ü yè?
How do you cut around the hide in a circle?
Jų̄ts’ų̈̀ kanday dhü mày shant’äw?
You hunt with a rabbit snare.
Gá men yè ładįya.
He doesn’t skin in his house, he skins the moose in the bush beside Haines Junction.
Äjù ukų̀ t’àt yädäch’äl, kanday kwäta däkwäkada kwäk’u yū yädäch’äl.
Petals, agay gha Nt’äwa?
Petals, are you cutting wolf hair?
Aghay, shän, Piper yè tagwät īch’į.
Yes, Me and Piper, us two have a scraper.
Shän Canadian Tire ts’än íkel.
Me, I drive to Canadian Tire.
Nųchų kulį k’e, kanday dhü ts’ädät’ąyą nàach’äw?
In the fall time, are the moose hides thin?
Shär ughà ätlą ghàkech’į shų.
the bear has a lot of hair too.
Juk’e kanday dhü Łäla dükat dū?
When is the moose hide made into an even thickness?
Aghay, Nän Dāl utsį k’anųtsal dū chu hak’ü yè.
Yes, you wash off the blood with cold water.
Aghay mbür dat’ü äch’e.
Yes, the knife is sharp.
Rose, ask Tina.
Rose, Tina dinkät.
Uyèts’ejenatl’at yè udzi ích’äla?
Do I skin caribou with a pencil?
Is that fox’s hair long, is it short, what is it?
Ayet ńtthe gha ts’endu äch’e, dek’wän äch’e, ye äch’e?
Good! Everyone, Piper and Diane both have a scraper.
Shäw! Däkhwän, Piper Diane yè tagwät kech’į
I don’t have a sharp knife, that’s why I might possibly buy a sharpening stone.
Shän, äjù mbür dät’ǜ ích’į, ayet kwaka tthe uyèts’eghò dúkèt nų.
in the summer time, are the moose hides thick?
Shakāt kulį k’e, kanday dhü dakät nàach’äw?
The bear’s hide are too thick!
Shär shäw kwädhü chi dakät ch’e!
Bleepbloop umą kanday dhü łäla dükat dū shų.
Bleepbloop’s mom is making the moose hide an even thickness too.
I might tan a moose hide, that’s why I wash off the blood.
Kanday dhü dútthäw ayet kwaka dāl utsį k’ànųtsal.
Is the knife dull?
Mbür dedäda?
Kanday tthän ut’àtkwäk’u t’àt ä’aa?
Is the moose meat sitting in the fridge?
Everyone, How many squirrels does Bob skin?
Däkhwän, Bob Dàandür dlǘra yädäch’äl?
Kàshäsha yè udzi gha nt’äw.
You cut the caribou hair with scissors.
Melanie tagwät nch’įą?
Melanie, Do you have a scraper?
Äjù mbür nch’į k’e, äjù uwätsį nghò.
When you don’t have a knife, you don’t shave the hair-side.
Dhäl kay nanndhay ghànäye.
On the mountain the blueberries grow.
Aghay, kwädhü keshänthü ka sothän.
Yes, their hides are good for mukluks.
First, you scrape the flesh side, after that, it is made an even thickness.
Katthe utägen tadägèt, atl’ąy k’e łäla dükat dū.
Łu dhü shų äjù chu ädhäl ye ajesädla, chu hak’ü yè k’anųtsal ni.
Fish hide too, you don’t work with hot water, you could work with cold water.
Melanie, kanday ghà shek’a udhü kay nàach’äw?
Melanie, is the moose hair still on its hide?
Johnny Cash’s family are all hungry too.
Johnny Cash ughałaan ghàkedämbät shų.
Luna shär shäw dukw’an yädäch’äl.
Luna, you skin four grizzly bears.
you cut the caribou hair in the winter time.
Yuk’e k’e udzi gha nt’äw.
I don’t have a scraper, I scrape with a spoon.
äjù tagwät ích’į, ts’àl yè tadígèt.
I don’t eat with the spoon, the spoon is sharp.
äjù ts’àl ye ítthü, ts’àl dät’ǜ.
In the spring time, the moose hides are thin.
Adinlat kulį k’e, kanday dhü ts’ädät’ąyą ch’e.
When is a moose’s hide really good?
Juk’e kanday kwädhü äjù tląyą ch’äw sothän?
äjù tägwät dät’ü nch’įą?
You don’t have a sharp scraper?
Shirly works on her hide at the big house in Whitehorse by the river.
Kwänlin kų̀ shäw tágà kwak’u Shirly udhü ye ajesı̄dla.
I might sew moccasins.
Kenkat ke k’àdúdlü nu.
Dusha nch’e, ayet kwaka, dlųą ätlą ka ładįya.
You are a cat, that’s why you hunt for a lot of mice.
I don’t skin a caribou with a pencil, I skin a caribou with a big knife!
Äjù uyèts’ejenatl’at yè udzi yädích’äl, mbür shäw yè udzi yädích’äl.
Ye ka k’ùk ít’äw?
Why do I cut paper?
Aghay, Melanie tägwät ughan í’a.
Yes, I will give Melanie a scraper.
ts’àl yè ntthüa?
Do you eat with the spoon?
Yuk’e kulį k’e, kanday äjù mbät ätlą ghàketthü, äyet kwaka kanday ädindhät ghàkech’e.
Shär shäw kwädhü sothäna?
Is the bear’s hide good?
My father isn’t sitting here.
Ätà äjù dazhäw yū äda.
Jąw Shirley udhü yè ajesädla?
Where does Shirley work on her hide?
Nichole, udzi dhü däkäda?
Nichole, is the moose hide thick?
Johnny Cash lights the stove, after that he puts the moose meat down in the pot.
Johnny Cash Stùk dek’ą atl’ay k’e kanday tthän ntthà t’àt nänä’a.
Theo umbür dùtsela, ayet kwaka, khaya ch’äw k’e kanday yädäch’äl.
Theo’s knife is small, thats why he skins the moose slowly.
He wants to tan it’s hide.
Udhü ädhäw yänälį.
With a sharpening stone(Rock with-it-people-shave), I shave a spoon.
Tthe uyèts’eghwo yè ts’àl íghwò.
What store has knives?
Ye est’ekèt kų̀ mbür äch’į?
In the fall time, the moose all eat a lot. Thats why the moose are all fat.
Nųchų kulį k’e, kanday mbat ätlą ghàketthü, ayet kwaka, kanday nätthän ghàkech’e.
People put salmon hides in black tea.
Sambay dhü dì jännach’ür t’àt näts’elè.
Äkų̀ ts’än nkel, shän, ämą yè kanday dhü ye ndasįndla, atl’ąy k’e, tägwät dät’ü nghaní’a.
You drive to my house, work on the moose hide with me and my mom, i will give you a sharp scraper.
I want the hide to be soft, that’s why I wash the blood off.
Kanday dhü deshru yenı́łį, ayet kwaka kanday utsį k’ànųtsla dū .
Mbür kwälà łäki yè uyètats’edägèt.
knife with two hands with-it-people-scrape.