What does "dä̀nnch’e?" mean?
How are you?
What does "umą" mean?
that ones mom
What does "dä̀kwä̀ch’e?" mean?
How is it (area)?
What does "dä̀ch’e?" mean?
How is that one?
What does "ye dä̀nch’į?" mean?
What are you doing?
What does "k’àdädlü?" mean?
That one sews
What does "uyinzhi?" mean?
That ones name
What does "uyinji?" mean?
That one feels/thinks
What does "ye dä̀ch’į?" mean?
What is that one doing?
What does "uyè?" mean?
What does "dùúye?" mean?
What does "ä́jǜa?" mean?
My younger sister
What does "shän" mean?
What does "ä́ndaya?" mean?
My older brother
What does "nän" mean?
What does "däk’àn" mean?
What does "nyinzhi" mean?
your name
What does "ä́shäla" mean?
My younger brother
What does "ją̄w" mean?
What does "shų" mean?
What does "mą" mean?
What does "chįch’a" mean?
What does "ítl’el" mean?
I- run
What does "ts’ä̀n" mean?
What does "äch’ü" mean?
That one cooks
What does "utsìa" mean?
That one’s Grandpa
What does "nàkwíye" mean?
I play
What does "ä́tsųą" mean?
My grandma
What does "ntl’ela" mean?
are you running?
Do you run?
What does "nàkwįyea" mean?
do you play?
are you playing?
What does "Mą uyinzhi bleepbloop uyè" mean?
Who’s name is Bleebloop?
What does "ją̄w nínje" mean?
Where do I live?
What does "ä́tsųą Kwänlin yū nänjea" mean?
Does my grandma live in Whitehorse?
What does "ją̄w ndasídlà" mean?
What does "däk’àn nàkwäyea" mean?
Is that man playing?
Does that man play?
What does "ujǜa ją̄w nänje" mean?
Where does her sister live?
What does "ä́mą uyinzhi Elton John uyè" mean?
My mom’s name is Elton John
What does "Nmbäda azhįzhà yū nänjea?" mean?
does your older sister live on the moon?
What does "nshäla däkwä̀käda yū ndasädlàa" mean?
is your younger brother working in Haines Junction?
Does your younger brother work in Haines Junction?
What does "ujǜa yè nàkwäye" mean?
She plays with her younger sister
What does "nyakwadhäda" mean?
are you mad?
What does "ä́ye kasakwatthäda" mean?
Am I frustrated?
What does "Chįch’a shą nishąą" mean?
Is it raining outside
What does "kwä̀jännäch’ür" mean?
Its dark out
What does "CAFN yū ndasįdlàa" mean?
Do you work at CAFN?
What does "ją̄w ts’än nkel" mean?
Where do you drive
What does "ä́mą k’wäns deshän äch’ü" mean?
My mom cooks Potato Sticks (Fries)
What does "nch’üa" mean?
Do you cook?
Are you cooking?
What does "ä́jǜa jenäda" mean?
My younger sister is sick
What does "ä́mbäda uyinji sòthän" mean?
My older sister is happy
How would you say: My name is bleepbloop
How would you say: what does your younger sister cook?
njǜa ye äch’ü
How would you say: is it raining?
shą nishąą?
How would you say: I live in Whitehorse
Kwänlin yū nịnje
Whitehorse yū nínje
How would you say: how is the weather outside?
chįch’a dä̀kwä̀ch’e?
How would you say: My grandma sews
How would you say: is he mad?
How would you say: it’s sunny outside in Whitehorse.
Kwänlin yū chįch’a sha kùlį
How would you say: are you hungry?
How would you say: it is windy outside in California
California yū chįch’a ntsi nitsi
How would you say: my younger sister is driving to klukshu
How would you say: are you sad?
How would you say: I work at the store
The store yū ndasídlà
äts’äkèt kų̀ yū ndasídlà
How would you say: I am running to my house
How would you say: is my older brother hungry
How would you say: who is sad?
Mą jenäda
How would you say: She works at her house
ukų̀ yū ndasädlà
How would you say: what is the weather in Vancouver?
Vancouver yū, chįch’a dä̀kwä̀ch’e?
How would you say: I am cooking
How would you say: is this girl happy?
How would you say: he is thirsty
How would you say: It’s sunny in California, that’s why I drive to California
California yū sha kùlį, ayet kwaka California ts’än íkel.
How would you say: she is not happy
How would you say:he doesn’t cook. His younger brother cooks
How would you say: Becky sews too
Becky k’àdädlü shų!
How would you say: my older sister’s name is Elton John. Elton John works at the candy store.
How would you say: who lives at the moon?
mą azhįzhà yū nänje?
How would you say: is your grandma’s name Johnny Cash?
Ntsųą uyinzhi Johnny Cash uyèa?
How would you say: how is she?
How would you say: Does she live in the swamp?
the swamp yū nänjea?
What does the "Ä́" in front of nouns mean?
The "Ä́" on a noun means that the noun is mine. Ä́mą = my mom
ä́yinzhi = my name
What does the "ä" in a verb mean?
The "ä" in a verb means that one is doing the action
What does the "į" in a verb mean?
The "į" in a verb means you are doing the action
nį̀nje = you live
k’àdįdlü = you sew
nàkwįye = you play
What does the "u" on a noun mean?
It means the noun belongs to that one.
Umą = that one’s mom
Uyinzhi = That one’s name
What does the "n" in a verb mean?
The "n" Means you are doing the action
Nkel = you drive
Ntl’el = you run
What does the "N" on a noun mean?
The "n" on a noun means it belongs to you
Nmą = your mom
Nyinzhi = your name
What does the "í" mean in a verb
The "í" in a verb means that I am doing the action
What happens when an "a" is put at the end of a statement sentence?
The "a" changes the statement into a question.
Why doesn’t this question need an "a" at the end?
Ją̄w nänje?
Because the question cannot be answered with a yes or no.
what type of word is said LAST in a sentence in Southern Tutchone?
The verb is said last!
Kwänlin yū NÍNJE.
Ją̄w ts’ä̀n NKEL?
Tell us your name!
Tell us where you live!
____ yū nínje
Tell us where you work!
_____ yū ndasídla
Tell us who your mom is!
Tell us who your dad is!
Tell us where you work!
____ yū ndasídlà.
Name a verb using the "í" (I am doing the action)
nínje, k’àdídlü, nàkwíye, ítl’el, íkel, ích’ü
Name a verb using "N or į" (you are doing the action)
nį̀nje, k’àdįdlü, nàkwįye, ntl’el, nkel, nch’ü
Name a verb using "ä" ( that one is doing the action)
nänje, k’àdädlü, nàkwäye, ätl’el, äkel, äch’ü
Give a full introduction:
Your name
Where you live
Where you work
Your parent’s names.
_____ yū nínje
______ yū ndasídlà
ä́mą uyinzhi ___ uyè
Ä́tà uyinzhi ____ uyè