A turtle that lives on land.
What is a tortois?
What is snake?
How many tenticals do octopie have?
what is 8?
What is a baby sheep called?
What is a lamb?
what is this?
What is a pig?
what reptile can change colors?
What is a chameleon?
What is sheep?
The friendliest ocean animal.
What is the dolphin?
What color is a baby flamingo?
What is white?
What is the real color of flamingos?
What is gray?
The largest lizard in the world.
What is a Komodo dragon?
what is lizard?
how many teeth do puffer fish have?
what is 4?
How big is a newborn kangaroo?
What is one inch?
What do butterflies taste with?
What is their feet?
What animal is this?
What is an armadillo lizard?
What is raccoon?
How did Orcas get the name killerwhale?
What is because sailors saw them hunting larger whales?
What animal eats eachother in the womb?
What are sharks?
What can a hummingbird do that other birds can't?
What is fly backwards?
What snakes don't lay eggs? name 1.
What is Green Anacondas, Eastern Garter Snakes, Eyelash Viper, Yellow-bellied Sea Snakes.
What is blobfish?
how did imortal jellyfish get their name?
What is because they can actually reverse their life cycle?
A baby armadillo is called...
What is a pup?
how many noses do slugs have?
what is 4?