Which artist is mostly known in Puerto Rico and the US who sings reggaeton?
Who is Bad Bunny
Which country is the most dirtiest with trash and terrible pollution?
What is India
Who's birthday is coming up next?
Who is Yoanna
The famous quote “on Wednesdays we wear pink” comes from which movie?
What is Mean Girls
Who is going out of the country this summer?
Who is Josh
Which artist has the "Sad Boyz" theme?
Who is Junior H
Which European country is mostly visited by many tourists?
What is France
Who's birthday celebration is after Yoanna's?
Who is Josh?
Which Disney movie was influenced from our Mexican culture?
What is Coco
Who stays in the bathroom longer that others?
Who is Maria
Which artist is the most famous for pop music in the world?
Who is Michael Jackson
Which drink was most famous in the world?
What is Coca cola
When is Gabby's birthday and year?
What is January 12, 1998?
Which Holocaust movie was widely watched and well known?
What is The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
Who drives several different cars to work?
Who is Adriana
Who is known for the song “Big Poppa”?
Who is The Notorious B.I.G.
What is the national sport of Japan?
What is Sumo Wrestling
Who's birthday is FIRST that is close to the fall season?
How many Twilight movies are there in total?
What is 5
Who is very festive for many holidays in this office?
Who is Stephanie
which instrument was invented first?
What is a flute
What state is known to have NO poisonous snakes?
What is Alaska
Name each coworker's birthdays in this office starting from January. There is 10 in total!!
Who is Gabby, Isaac, Anita, Yoanna, Amanda, Josh, Adriana, Maria, Stephanie, and Sophie.
Which horror film was the first of its genre to earn an Oscar Best Picture nomination?
What is the The Exorcist
What is Gabby's shoe size?