Q: This verb means to intimidate or force someone into doing something.
A: What is bulldozing?
Q: An accusation or charge of wrongdoing is known as this.
A: What is imputation?
Q: Someone who is overwhelmingly happy can be described as this.
A: What is ecstatic?
Q: A small waterfall or something that flows downward in a series is called this.
A: What is a cascade?
Q: This word describes extreme stinginess or an unwillingness to spend money.
A: What is parsimony?
Q: If someone is inciting trouble or stirring up conflict, they are doing this.
A: What is instigating?
Q: A small entryway or hall that leads into a building is called this.
A: What is a vestibule?
Q: This word describes something that looks valuable but is actually fake or superficial.
A: What is meretricious?
Q: If something moves in a wavelike motion or causes small waves, it is doing this.
A: What is rippling?
Q: When something loses value or becomes worth less over time, it is doing this.
A: What is depreciating?
Q: Searching through a place quickly and roughly can be described by this word.
A: What is ransacking?
Q: The act of begging or being a beggar is known as this.
A: What is mendicancy?
Q: If something is deeply desired or wanted, it is considered this.
A: What is coveted?
Q: When something relates to or is connected to another subject, it is doing this.
A: What is appertaining?
Q: Wise decision-making and cautiousness are best described by this word.
A: What is prudence?
Q: When something begins to fade or lessen in intensity, it is doing this.
A: What is subsiding?
Q: A detailed written account of historical events is called this.
A: What is a chronicle?
Q: A person who is passionate and deeply devoted to something can be called this.
A: What is ardent?
Q: When something is the most dominant or influential, it is doing this.
A: What is predominating?
Q: When something exceeds normal limits or makes something seem inadequate, it does this.
A: What is beggar (verb)?
Q: Instead of tidying up his room, Jake left everything perfectly organized. Which word best relates to the antonym tidying up?
A) Bulldozing
B) Instigates
C) Ransacking
D) Subsiding
Q: Instead of living a life of luxury, Bob decided to quit his job and live simply. Which word best relates to the antonym luxury?
A) Imputation
B) Vestibule
C) Chronicle
D) Mendicancy
Q: When the teacher announced a surprise pop quiz, the class was miserable. Which word best relates to the antonym miserable?
A) Coveted
B) Ecstatic
C) Ardent
D) Predominating
What is ecstatic?
Q: Instead of the water being perfectly still, it barely moved at all. Which word best relates to the antonym being perfectly still?
A) Cascade
B) Appertaining
C) Rippling
D) Vestibule
A: What is rippling?
Q: Instead of being known for generosity, Grandpa gave away money without hesitation. Which word best relates to the antonym generosity?
A) Parsimony
B) Depreciate
C) Prudence
D) Beggar (verb)
A: What is parsimony?