(triple score if coin flip heads)
name of blue hog from Sonic?
fox two tail?
Miles "tails" prower
Where is home?
Draw picture of sonnet or friend, other players and gilfart will jugic if you get points.
name five sonic songs
live learn
sonic's polar opposite Shadow the hedgehog had his own game after sonic heroes, what was it called?
Shadow the hedgehog
number 1 on guptill?
Rouge the bat
weapon that I have?
cotton candy ray gun from killer clowns from outer space.
the man who sold the world?
big boss/ venom snake
gilbert's favotr group? hint friend
goon squad
Sing a sonic song pooorrvieded
good good +100
soneet friend that has three tuffs of hair, number 10 in guptill88's video
Why it's Amy rose of course!
favorot YouTube and pocast
Sleep deprived
quantum lazar turns dingding into dust,
lose 301 points
gain 1 point for trouble
name of three hedgehogs other than sonic
shadow,Amy, silver
name ten sonic characters, exta for five more+ 150 points
name five game that sonic's friends appeared in first.
(EX. Sonic - sonic the hedgehog)
goo yasd
name of firends
duet with a person of your picking, I pick song.
gilbert's favort sonic game
sonic unleashed
what the lizard?
Biolizard? finalhaverd
Explane the plot of any sonic game past the Genesis games. No sonic 1,2,3
on zyfar, what animal are they eating?
1v1 gilbert in game other players pick.
Take a which sonic character you are quiz, if you get a cool person dih sided by everyone, you get the points.
sonic the hotdog