Immigration and Natives
Economic Factors
Laws and Stuff
Rich Dudes
Labor and Unions

This word means to adapt to a new culture.  Generally used when talking about immigrants and Native Americans.



San Francisco California, Black Hills of South Dakota, and Klondike Alaska all shared what pull factor for immigrants?

The possibility of finding gold.


What is the difference in a vertically integrated monopoly and a horizontally integrated monopoly?

Vertical monopolies control every step of the supply chain.  

Example: Carnegie owned iron mines, railroad cars to haul the iron ore, smelting factories, and steel distribution companies.

Horizontal monopolies have little to no outside competition. 

Example: Rockefeller bought out all other oil refineries until he owned 90% of all oil refineries in the USA.


Which industries were Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, and JP Morgan involved in?

Oil, railroads, and banking respectively. 


These organizations, often led by a powerful boss, dominated city governments during the Gilded Age by controlling votes, influencing elections, and engaging in widespread corruption.

Political Machines.


Due to New Immigrants arriving in the United States, Congress passed this law to open more job opportunities for American workers.

Chinese Exclusion Act


Describe a typical cattle drive.

Cowboys in Texas wrangle cattle north towards the railroads.  Once they have reached the destination, the cattle are butchered and shipped out east in refrigerated railcars to larger markets.


This law was enacted to prohibit the unfair business practices of trusts with an outsized market influence.  Standard Oil was the first company targeted by this law. 

The Sherman Anti-Trust Act 1890.


Describe Andrew Carnegie's philanthropic philosophy known as the Gospel of Wealth.

The philosophy asserted that the wealthy have a moral obligation to distribute their wealth for the greater good of society.  He believed that the rich should use their resources to fund education, libraries, and other public institutions that would promote the general welfare and progress of the community. 


As the head of Tammany Hall, this political leader manipulated the votes of newly arrived immigrants by offering stable jobs and assistance in exchange for their loyalties. 

Boss Tweed 


Overcrowding, crime, general filthiness, were consequences of ____. 

Population growth in cities through immigration. 


What impact did the lightbulb have on the American worker?

People could now work at night without the danger of being engulfed in flames by candles, which increases productivity and can help to lower prices. 


This law states that Congress has the ability to impose regulations on any and all businesses that engage in interstate commerce.  Vanderbilt was targeted by this law for charging small farmers different fees to use the same rail lines as larger corporate farms.

Interstate Commerce Act 1887


This labor organization wanted to unite both skilled and unskilled workers to fight for labor reforms, including an eight-hour work day, equal pay for female workers, and opposed the use of child labor.

The Knights of Labor


These workers, known for their distinctive white uniforms, were part of the New York City Department of Sanitation during the late 19th and early 20th centuries and played a crucial role in improving public health by modernizing waste management practices. 

The sanitation workers of New York City, also known as, the White Wings. 


Industrialization leads to _____.

More factories being built, leading to more jobs, leading to population growth since folks want to live close to where they work. 


This technological innovation allowed for the massive increase in production of steel.

The Bessemer Process


This law granted up to 160 acres of land to anyone willing to move to and live on the Great Plains and improve the land for five years straight.

The Homestead Act


These three major labor conflicts of the Gilded Age were pivotal in the struggle between labor and management, and resulted in violent outcomes that led to the public beginning to have a negative perception of labor unions.

The Pullman Strike, the Homestead Strike, and the Haymarket Square Riot.


This term refers to the African American migrants who moved west after the Civil War, seeking to escape the racial oppression of the South and to establish new lives as farmers.

The Exodusters


What impact did the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad have on population distribution in the United States?

More people began to move out west as it was now safer and easier.


Which Captain of Industry was involved in Steel Production?

Andrew Carnegie


The goal of this law was to force Native American families to assimilate to a lifestyle more inline with white American farmers, and to dismantle the traditional culture of Native American tribes. 

The Dawes Act


The 1894 Pullman Strike was a nationwide railroad strike that highlighted the growing tension between labor and management over which labor issue, which involved workers negotiating as a group with their employers?

Collective Bargaining


Samuel Gompers established this organization in 1886, focusing on organizing skilled workers and advocating for better wages, shorter hours, and better working conditions.

The American Federation of Labor
