created the light bulb
Thomas Edison
Small filthy apartments for immigrants
Law put in place to help get rid of trusts and monopolys
Sherman Antitrust act
What is the transcontinental railroad?
A railroad that spread from the East and west that eventually connected in the middle of the U.S. It allowed for urbanization and a quicker way of transporting goods and services.
Someone who gathers bad info about other people
Ran the oil buisness monopoly
John D. Rockefeller
The best place immigrants would usually come in to be processed.Mainly for Europeans.
Ellis Island
Law put in place to prevent filthy working conditions and unbranded meat
Meat Inspection Act
What are Nativists?
What is Urbanization?
Nativists are people who favor the native people and are opposed to new immigrants coming in
Urbanization is making an area more Urban or more like a city
Took photos of poverty in tenements
Jacob Reese
Monopolists in the steel industry
Andrew Carneige
Organizations that helped supply basic needs for immigrants and to the urban poor.
Settlement houses
What new regulations come from the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire?
Fire alarms, smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, doors open out instead of in, sprinklers, and fire drills.
What are political machines?
An orginization that recruits people with money or political power.
Mcukraker for Womens rights
Jane Addams
Created Tamany hall and the Tamany ring. He used unethical practices in buisness to scam people of their money.
Boss Tweed
Where did the new immigrants come from and during what time period was it?
Southern Eastern Europe; 1870
Act that banned Chinese immigrants from coming over to the U.S and limited the rights of these immigrants so they can't become citizens
Chinese Exclusion Act
Laissez-faire economics
Policy that was put in place by companies to not let the government intervene with them.
The jungle
What is a captain of industry? What is a Robber Baron?
Captain: A person with a good work ethic and nice to co-workers or other people.
Robber Baron: A person who is mean and ruthless. Usually a monopoly owner.
List the push and pull factors for immigration
Push: Conditions that made immigrants leave their homeland: Religious persecution, jobs, war.
Pull: Conditions that encouraged immigrants to move to a new country: religion, politics, cheap land, jobs.
The Bessemer Process
What were the three main strikes against the monopoly companies in the 1800's and describe all three of them
Pullman strike: Railroad strike that stopped railroad traffic and happened because of unfair working hours and wages.
Homestead strike: Steel company strike that led to a battle because of unfair wages and working hours (Carneige, pinkertons, Frick)
Haymarket Strike: a bomb was set off in the square against rioters for unfair wages and hours.
What is the Gilded Age and describe what a monopoly is.
Economic growth in the U.S of different industries.
A company that holds total power in an industry. Usually have illegal practices like trusts and third party buying and selling.