Cities on the Rise
Kings of Capitalism
Open Doors, Crowded Floors
Workin' Man Blues
Gilded Age Grab-Bag

New York became New York and Chicago became Chicago as a result of this process; the growth of American cities during the Gilded Age.

What is urbanization?

Cornelius Vanderbilt achieved wealth through his monopoly in this industry. 
What is railroads?

Economic opportunity and political freedom were examples of these -- things that attracted immigrants to the United States during the Gilded Age.

What are Pull Factors?

The labor surplus drove these down -- some were as low as $6 per week.

What are wages?


This technological advancement allowed for crops to be transported greater distances via the railroad without spoiling, which increased profits for American agriculturists.

What is refrigeration?


The expansion of this transportation system allowed for economic growth by connecting major population centers and opening commerce (trade) between them. 

What is the Railroad?


This social theory, based on the "survival of the fittest" argued that Rockefeller and others achieved wealth because of their inherited talent -- talent that the poor generally lacked.

What is Social Darwinism?


Immigrants to the United States during the Gilded Age were processed here, just a short ferry ride from the statue of liberty.

What is Ellis Island?


Minimum wage, safety standards, and working hour limitations are examples of these--- which did not exist to protect Gilded Age laborers.

What are regulations?


This American author coined the term "Gilded Age" to describe a shiny, but flawed America.

Who is Mark Twain?


This advancement in architecture, a product of steel and concrete, allowed for more efficient use of land--by building UP.

What is the Skyscraper?


Andrew Carnegie created a monopoly in the steel industry by employing this business practice: he sought to control every step of the manufacturing process. 

What is vertical integration?


Competition for jobs and fear of new cultures were drivers of this anti-immigrant mindset of the Gilded Age.

What is Nativism?


Gilded Age workers created these organizations to negotiate collectively with owners for better wages and conditions... though most were not successful.

What are Labor Unions?

The wealth gap of the Gilded Age was, in part, a product of this economic approach--in which the government keeps its "hands off" the American economy.

What is Laissez Faire?


Demand for cheap housing during the Gilded Age gave rise to these shoddy apartment buildings, which were often unsafe, overcrowded, and unsanitary.

What are tenements?

Carnegie, Rockefeller, and others took advantage of favorable market conditions like this one, which describes a scenario where there are more workers looking for jobs than there are jobs available. 

What is a labor surplus?


Unlike the "Old Immigrants" who came mostly from England, Ireland, and Germany, the Immigrants of the Gilded Age came increasingly from these European REGIONS.

What are Southern and Eastern Europe?


This tragedy, which killed more than 100 immigrant women, exposed some of the dangerous working conditions in New York's garment industry.

What is the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire


Andrew Carnegie built thousands of libraries to support poor communities. It was a part of this theory, which held that the wealthy had an obligation to give back to society.

What is the Gospel of Wealth?


The Steel Industry exploded during the Gilded Age thanks to this technological advancement, which made production cheaper and more efficient.

What is the Bessemer Process?

John D. Rockefeller used Horizontal Integration to control the oil industry through the creation of this--a monopoly formed by the merging of major corporations.

What is a Trust?


Immigrants tended to settle in clusters with others of the same national origin called ______. They allowed for the preservation of culture and community in America.

What are enclaves?


Inspired by dangerous conditions, this strike at a Pennsylvania steel mill resulted in violence when the National Guard was mobilized.

What is the Homestead Strike?


Tammany Hall was New York's controlling ________, which traded favors for votes, and leading to massive corruption.

What are political machines?
