This man invented the lightbulb
Who is Thomas Edison?
This woman is famous for saying, "Give me your tired, your hungry, your huddled masses, yearning to be free"
Who is
The Stature of Liberty
Emma Lazarus
The owner of standard oil
Who is John D. Rockefeller?
This economic system dominated the lives of most freedmen.
What is sharecropping?
This was a strategy used by unions to get their demands met
What is a strike?
The two inventions that helped make the West part of America
What are the Telegraph and Railroad?
A major push factor for Gilded Age immigrants
What is:
The even showed the corrup connections between Congress and the Railroad Companies.
This organization were created to support the rights of African-Americans
What is the Freedmen's Bureau?
This riot led to the execution of several suspected anarchists.
What is the Haymarket Riot?
Naismith used this technology to keep young people entertained during the winter months
What is a basket?
This law was the most obvious example of nativism during the Gilded Age
What is The Chinese Exclusion Act?
This was a business practice used to create corporations.
What is horizontal integration?
Plessy V. Ferguson said that Jim Crow laws did not violate this amendment.
What is the 14th?
He was the leader of the American Socialist Party.
Who is Eugene V. Debs?
This was the most important technology of the first industrial revolution
Many supporters of laissez-faire capitalism held this view about new immigrants
What is Social Darwinism?
A company that owns majority stock shares in multiple other companies
What is a holding company?
The election of this man ended Reconstruction.
Who is Rutherford B. Hayes?
After a fire at this place, workers started to receive more rights.
What is the Triangle Shirtwaist Company?
This technology helped farmers conduct massive monoculture agriculture
What is the combine?
The transcontinental railroad was completed in this year
What is 1869?
This document was created in order to fix this economic problem.
What is a surplus in production OR an increase in supply OR a lack of demand?
Daily Double!
A method bosses used to warn one another about troublesome workers.