This French term meant "hands-off" and referred to the US govt. during most of the Gilded Age
What is Laissez-Faire.
This business integration involved buying ALL stages of the supply chain.
What is Vertical Integration.
This Half-Breed President served for less than one year before being assassinated in 1881.
Who is James Garfield.
This type of Politics controlled voters through intimidation, bribes, and govt. jobs.
What is Boss Politics/Political Machines.
This Labor emerged after the KOL and initially were more strict on membership acceptance (skilled white workers)
What is American Federation of Labor.
This business integration involved undercutting prices to buy fellow businesses.
What is Horizontal Integration.
This President (1885-1889 ; 1893-1897) was the only Democratic Pres. during this era and his election was controversial because of it's "mud-slinging". Also passed a tariff which caused economic unrest.
Who is Grover Cleveland.
This Political System involved giving out jobs to political supporters instead of more experienced people
What is the Spoils System.
This labor event occurred in Chicago in 1886, and resulted in a pipe bomb exploding and not only killing people. but "killing" the KOL.
What is The Haymarket Affair.
This Robber Baron produced 90% of America's Oil by 1900.
Who is John D. Rockefeller.
This President (1877-1881) ended Reconstruction by bringing Federal troops home, let Boss politics continue, and his wife banned alcohol in the White House.
Who is Rutherford B. Hayes.
These laws in the South resulted in increased discrimination and segregation against African Americans.
What are Jim Crow Laws
These two different political sides of the Republican party either supported reform or supported the spoils system.
What are Half-Breeds and Stalwarts.
This Strike took place in 1894 and involved workers refusing to run trains, resulting in the US Army sending in troops to run the trains.
What is The Pullman Strike of 1894.
This Robber Baron produced 60% of America's Steel by 1901, also known for giving to charity.
Who is Andrew Carnegie.
This Stalwart President (1881-1885) was Garfield's VP and passed the Pendleton Civil Service Act despite being personally opposed to it.
Who is Chester A. Arthur.
This term described the new entertainment venues in cities, such as Vaudeville Houses, Baseball Parks, etc.
What is Urban Leisure.
This groundbreaking piece of legislation was the first law to start eating away at the Spoils System/Boss Politics.
What is Pendleton Civil Service Act of 1883.
This Strike occurred in Pittsburg in 1892, and stemed from workers demanding wage increases and the owners locking them out and sending in "scabs" to work, eventually, a mini battle began and the National Guard was called in.
What is The Homestead Steel Strike.
This Robber Baron was a major banker who bailed out the government on multiple occasions.
Who is J.P. Morgan.
This President (1889-1893) supported hands off, big business politics, raised tariffs to help the 1%, and was the first time the US Govt. spent a billion dollars.
Who is Benjamin Harrison.
This term described the increase in urban population, most of which was caused by in increase in factory jobs and a decrease in family farms.
What is The Urban Revolution