Who founded the Standard Oil Company and later partook in philanthropy?
John D. Rockefeller
What were the schools for immigrants to help Americanize them?
Settlement Houses
Who were industrialists who used their power and industry positively?
Captain of Industry
What was the first significant law restricting Chinese immigration into the U.S.?
Chinese Exclusion Act
Who was a person who searches for and tries to expose real or alleged corruption, scandal, or other wrongdoing, especially in politics?
Who helped America's steel industry?
Andrew Carnegie
Who were the people who came from Europe to America seeking better opportunities?
New Immigrants
Who were industrialists who used their power and industry negatively?
Robber Baron
What act allowed Congress to prohibit trusts?
Sherman Antitrust
What were single-family buildings divided into multiple living spaces?
Who was a corrupted politician and the founder of Tammany Hall?
Boss Tweed
Who helped found the Hall House for immigrants?
Jane Adams
What is a market that is owned by one person and has no competitors?
What strike was between Carnegie Steel Company and its workers?
Homestead Strike
Ellis Island
Who was the most well-known inventor of the Gilded Age?
Thomas Edison
Who were the people who favored native citizens native citizens over immigrants?
What is the process of making an area more urban?
What act prohibited the sale of adulterated or misbranded meat?
Meat Inspection Act
The first inexpensive industrial process that allowed for the mass production of steel
Bessemer Process
Who spread awareness about poverty through photography?
Jacob Riis
What caused immigrants to leave their country and what brought them to America?
Push/pull factors
What economic philosophy of free-market capitalism that opposes government intervention?
Laissez Faire Economics
What strike was caused by previous police violence?
Haymarket Strike
A party organization that recruits its members by the use of tangible incentives—money, political jobs—and that is characterized by a high degree of leadership control over member activity.
Political Machines