The Supreme Court broke Standard Oil into this many smaller conmpanies.
What is twelve?
These were investiagtive journalists that were disliked by the general public, focused on digging up dirt on politicians.
What are Muckrakers?
The USA, Russia, France, and the UK made up this power.
What is the Allied Powers?
The owner of Standard Oil and famous industrilaist.
Who is JD Rockefeller?
This idea is the building up of militaries in a nation, influencing public policy.
What is Militarism?
These people were know for being incredibly rich, powerful, and disliked by the general public for their ruthless business practices.
What is a Robber Baron?
This event started the Spanish-American War.
This telegram was intercepted by the UK and shown to the USA that forced them to declare war on Germany.
What was the Zimmerman Telegram?
A well-liked philathropist and industrilaist, he gave away most of his wealth by the time of his death.
Who was Andrew Carnegie?
This amendment allowed women the right to vote.
What is the 19th?
These presidents were known for maintaining the status qou and being largely ineffective.
Who were the Forgotten Presidents?
The Progressive Party was mostly made up of this class of people.
What is the Middle Class?
Article 231 of the Treaty of Versailles required Germany to do this.
What is take responsibility for starting WWI?
The Jungle was written by this man.
Who was Upton Sinclair?
This system is the domination of two major political parties with smaller parties coming and going.
What is the Third Party System?
Groups of people making sure that their poltiical candidates win elections by bribery and lobbying is an example of this.
What is a Political Machine?
Teddy Roosevelt created these two agencies/departments after reading The Jungle.
What is the FDA & USDA?
A style of submarine warfare meant to discourage the USA from joining the Great War.
What is Unrestricted Submarine Warfare?
This was a famous political cartoonist and propagandist, known for his work in both the Reconstruction Era as well as the Gilded Age.
Who was Thomas Nast?
This amendment allowed for the direct eleciton of senators.
What is the 17th?
The Republican party split into two factions called these.
What are Half-Breeds & Stalwarts?
Immigrants from Italy, Poland, Russia, and Greece that worked unskilled labor jobs is an example of this.
What is New Immigration?
This was the treaty that saw Russia bow out of WWI after massive upheavals and revolts.
What was the Treat of Brest Litovsk?
This was the American General that oversaw all American troops during WWI.
Who was John J. "Black Jack" Pershing?
This supreme court case enshrined "seperate but equal" into law.
What was Plessy v Ferguson?