This was the location for a brutal worker strike that ended with 9 killed
This ship was sunk that led to the start of the Spanish American war?
U.S.S Maine
What was the goal of progressives?
To use the government to solve problems from our industrial society
Two islands that immigrants came into the US
Ellis & Angel island
This man owned Standard Oil
JD Rockefeller
This was built to connect east coast to west coast quicker by water and what president did it?
Panama Canal, Roosevelt
Upton Sinclair wrote this book that exposed disgusting food conditions in the meat packing industry
The Jungle
Name the islands that the US gained from the Spanish American war?
Guam, Puerto Rico, Philippines, Cuba
Jim Crow laws
Laws that created race based facilities such as bathrooms and restaurants
This man created the assembly line
Henry Ford
What is yellow journalism?
a sensationalized telling of stories that promoted exaggerations
Women's right to vote
Define Imperialism
The action of a stronger more powerful nation taking advantage of a weaker nation for resources
What is vertical integration and who was the example of this monopoly?
1) Monopoly that controls all the businesses need to make the product
2) Carnegie
This country was annexed by the US due in large part to its sugar production?
Define Muckraking
Investigative Journalism/media bringing to light issues within the US
What are 3 reasons the US entered WWI?
1) Lusitania/submarine warfare
2) Zimmerman Telegraph
3) Make the world safe for democracy
Define Social Darwinism
Belief of the survival of the fittest
Define Laissez faire economics
Government should stay out of business
This was a letter that called President McKinley a weak leader
De Lome Letter
This leader(s) founded the NAACP and believed African Americans should aggressively fight segregation?
Ida B Wells
W.E.B Dubois
In the famous Supreme court case Plessy V Ferguson, the Supreme court ruled what? Hint* Jim Crow laws
This was the Supreme court case that ruled "separate was equal" (segregation was legal)
Define Nativism
Anger or fear toward immigrants