Dark Money

a. A power and duties of U.S. Supreme Court are:

  • review any cases or issues that may come up regarding laws that were created or the Constitution in which individuals would like to argue

  • ensures everyone has equal treatment to the laws that are created

  • will further explain and be knowledgeable about Constitution


c. A for-profit Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)

  • Definition: A health maintenance organization (HMO) is a network or organization that provides health insurance coverage for a monthly or annual fee. An HMO is made up of a group of medical insurance providers that limit coverage to medical care provided through doctors and other providers who are under contract with the HMO

  • Example: For-profit hospital: investor owned, facilities aim to make profits for their shareholders

  • Includes: Hospital Corporation of America, Tenet, and HealthSouth. - highest -billing hospitals



d. A reference to one component of a way to conceptualize health policy under the "social contract" perspective 

  • having physicians deciding how healthcare is delivered to you is dangerous for both patients and the amount being spend (p. 6)

  • should have different policies and laws be the deciding factor and physicians as one of the stakeholders (p. 6-7)


h. A Medicaid recipient

  • medicaid is for poor(U.S. citizen with limited income resources/medicare for 65 and older

  • PG. 203, Issued guidance allowing work requirements to be applied to medicaid recipients. Approved Kentucky;s Medicaid waiver that includes work requirements, higher premiums, and coverage lockouts (Jan 2018))(note that this waiver was subsequently vacated by a federal court and the question of whatever states can mandate work requirements for medicaid recipients is the subject of ongoing litigation.

  • Pg. 367, April 2020, several states had approved work requirement waivers that had been blocked by courts or not been implemented yet. ten other states had submitted waivers for consideration (commonwealth Fund, 2020). 


b. A reference to a Kaiser Morning Briefing article that was of great interest and discussion in one of your PH 103 classes


  • many doctors are spreading false information about COVID-19 and the vaccine in general

  • difficulty with this is many individuals have high trust in doctors due to their credibility and knowing more than others so this leads many people who may be hesitant to receive the vaccine to believe in what they are saying

  • question is how could we hold these people accountable for what they share that may be false and affecting the health of the community


i. A reference to the checks and balances (branches of) structure of the US federal government

pg. 40, inherent in the separation of powers doctrine is the important concept of checks and balances. :checks” refers to the ability and responsibility of one branch of government to closely monitor the actions of the other two, including when one branch grasps at an amount of power not envisioned by the constitution. The “balance” at work in the separation of powers framework prevents one branch from exerting power in an area of responsibility that is the province of another branch.


e. A reference to the Individual mandate (ACA)

  • Increase of uninsured increased because of the repeal of the individual mandate penalty according to Congressional budget Office

  • requires individuals to purchase health insurance or pay penalty if they do not (p. 203-204)


l. A reference to stare decisis as a legal precedent 

  • Pg.38, Stare decisis: refers to the legal principle that prior case law decisions should be accorded great defence and should not be frequently overturned.

  • Pg.48, Stare decisis: the way courts implement their responsibility to maintain legal stability is through application of stare decisis “let it stand”.



  1. One of the following medical professionals: physician, physician's assistant, pharmacist

  • Pg. 273, Physicians:  licensure laws define who has the power to engage in medical practice, who gets to practice specific types of health care, and how and when professional standards of conduct are enforced.

  • Eg.: Some states give physicians more power. granted broad scope of powers while other professions such as nurses  less ability to diagnose and treat patients 

  • nurses and other nonphysician health care professionals decry their inability to practice to their full education and training, in light of healthcare workforce shortages that plague the nation


f. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)

  • an agency within the Department of Health and Human Services Agencies

  • makes sure that everything being done is to a high quality of different services or products and manages Medicare, financial services of Medicaid and CHIP, and Health Insurance Marketplace (p. 27)


q. A recent decision by the Supreme Court

  • refused to block law prohibiting abortions after six weeks in Texas due to many abortion providers not being able to make case because of difficulty of questions that may come up during hearing

  • ruling was provisional/temporary meaning that it could be changed in the lower federal courts


n. Reference at least two of the essential healthcare benefits enacted under the ACA 

  • eliminating annual and lifetime dollar limits on coverage

  • requiring most health insurance plans to cover all contraceptive methods approved by the FDA and counseling services w/o a cost-sharing



  1. A reference to how many Republicans voted to pass the ACA (Obamacare):




  1. An undocumented person/immigrant adult

  • They are 3x likely to be uninsured

  • individuals who are not eligible for federal subsidies and purchasing insurance through an exchange under the ACA

  • Unable to qualify for medicaid under expansion if they resided in the U.S. less than 5 years



  1. A reference to a US government solution to a social "welfare" problem

Americans generally oppose government solutions to social welfare problems, Culture and lack of consensus about health reform impede attempts to create universal coverage health plans, Americans oppose government solutions to social welfare problems including reforms relying on direct government run programs and public funding tax increases,  


s. A supermajority of votes in the House of Representatives is usually how many votes?  

2/3 majority and/or 290/435 votes


v. A reference to vaccines or vaccination (COVID or otherwise): 

  • About 71% of  California has received at least one dose of the COVID vaccine, and about 58% are fully vaccinated

  • about 55% of all americans are fully vaccinated



  1. An example of how policy and politics impact health care at the federal or state level:

Texas’s policy on not being able to get an abortion after 6 weeks; not applicable in california or other states


r. The President of the United States:

Joe Biden


p. A reference to “path dependency” 

  • another reason why passing health care reform was difficult to achieve in the United States 

  • idea that once something is created and becomes a norm it is difficult to have it be changed by the government and have this change accepted by the people (p. 193-194)


w. A reference to what is a primary power of Congress

  • power to declare war 

  • make laws


x. Universal/socialized healthcare 

  • when all people have equal access to healthcare, where and when they’re needed at a fair cost 

  • at least half of people in the world do not receive health services needed

  • almost 100 million reach extreme poverty due to out of pocket pay of medical services


z. What is an example of Federalism?

  • division of authority (U.S. Separation of Powers)

  • states are responsible for public health matters [because constitution does not explicit say the “protection and promotion of the Public’s health as a power of the Federal gov’t”]


y. A reference to Guest Lecturer Ann Ravel

  • Who? Democrat Commissioner nominated to Federal Election Commision by Obama in 2013

  • According to Ravel’s Talk, “Countering Truth Decay,”  the 4 Trends of Truth Decay are:

    • increase disagreement of facts

    • opinion & fact line blurs 

    • Increasing relative volume & resulting influence of opinions over facts

    • declining trust in formerly respected sources of facts


o. A reference to a political reason why health care reform was hard to pass in the US

the president doesn’t have much power to propose budgets or make policy agendas so in order to make these reforms with their limited power they need to involve Congress in whatever they decide to do (p. 192)
