You post a picture of your cute outfit on Instagram and your friend comments "Ew." How do you respond?
you could delete the comment and move on
you could talk with your friend and ask them what they meant by that comment
Your friend hasn't responded to your texts in the last few hours but her read receipts are on? How would you react?
understand that your friend may genuinely be busy and could be taking time for themselves
You are sitting in class and notice that one of your classmates is being ridiculed by your peers. How do you respond?
Consider checking in with your classmate after class to see how she's doing
Healthy or not? My good friend has enough problems in her life so it doesn't bother me when she is unable to help me.
Not Healthy: Good friends help each other regardless of their own problems in life. Be aware of friends who take but never give
Your friend posts an embarrassing photo of you online. You are angry and humiliated. Think of a rude and polite way to handle this issue.
Rude- you retaliate by posting an embarrassing picture of your friend
Polite - you have a conversation with your friend asking them to delete the picture and explaining that 1) they didn't have permission to post a picture of you and 2) how would they feel if the roles were reversed?
Your friend is chronically late and always gives a lame excuse. You could give them a taste of their own medicine and stand them up. What's a better way to respond?
Examples: you could have an honest conversation with your friend explaining how you do want to spend time with them but you also need them to respect your time. Friendships require effort on both sides.
One girl tells another girls secrets to her friends and breaks her trust. Friend retaliates by spreading awful rumors.
What's a better way to handle this?
reevaluate the friendship and see if it's worth mending and if it is....discuss with friend on how to move forward
It is (healthy/unhealthy) for friends to spend time away from each other and do things with other friends.
You and your best friend had plans to go to the movies this weekend. An hour before you plan to meet, she cancels because she is sick. Later that day, you view another girl's story and see pictures of your best friend hanging out with a different group of girls. How would you respond?
What not to do: Passive aggressively message your friend and say "nice to see you felt well enough to hang out with __"
What to do: have a conversation with your friend in person and let them know how this made you feel in a productive manner
Two girls hang out on the weekend and don’t invite the third girl, who is supposed to be their friend. She retaliates by befriending their enemy.
Instead of befriending their enemy,
1) let your other friends know how this made you feel
2) reevaluate this this toxic? And seek out another friendship
You and your friend go shopping for dresses for the dance. When you ask your friend for their opinion they say "You don't look that fat in that dress." How do you respond?
you could have a conversation with your friend and ask what the intention was behind that comment and explain how that could be a triggering statement
Girl #1 breaks up with boy. Boy then goes on to date girl #2. Girl #1 wants to fight girl #2. (Pretend you are Girl #2. How do you respond?)
Safety plan with someone you trust, let a school counselor or SRO/ school security know there are safety concerns and request they meet with Girl #1 for mediation
Girl A unfriended Girl B on snapchat out of the blue. Girl B is caught off guard. How should Girl B handle this situation?
Take a moment to collect your thoughts. Follow the 72 hour rule.
Wait 24 hours to respond/act... if its taken more than 72 hours to respond reevaluate if this is something worth arguing over
Friend Y is friends with Friend D, but Friend L is trying to steal Friend D. How should Friend Y respond?
arrange a hang out with all three people
you may surprise and get a new friend
Your friends are great one-on-one. But when they get together, they make fun/bully your peers for a variety of reasons (ie. their appearance, how they talk, etc.) How can you address this without being targeted?
it may be best to separate yourself from these friends and seek out more meaningful connections
Your friend tells you her parents are getting divorced and it has added a lot of stress in her life. How do you react to this news?
you could be a listening and supportive ear as she processes this news
you could invite your friend to do a fun activity to take their mind off of this stressful situation
You're scrolling through TikTok and see that one of your peers made a video making fun of your little sister. What do you do?
report the video to TikTok
seek guidance from a counselor
My friend seems to be a frenemy. I should get rid of them right away.
First, be honest with your friend and give them the chance to do the right thing. But don't give too many chances. Friendships shouldn't be a lot of work.
Your friend is wearing white pants and gets her period. All the boys are pointing, whispering, and laughing. What do you do?
stand up for your friend and you could offer an article of your clothing you are not currently wearing so she could wrap it around her waist
Your friend made a concerning statement today that made you worried about their well-being. You decide to make a safe-2-tell report. Your friend becomes upset with you for making the report, how do you respond?
explain that you made the report because you cared about them and were worried they were unsafe