This is what you should wear when you sell Girl Guide Cookies
What is a Guiding Uniform
You should never sell cookies without one of these present
What is an adult?
This is the cost of one box of cookies
This is the reason that we sell Girl Guide cookies.
What is to fund Guiding activities and programs?
This is the youngest group of Girl Guides.
What are Sparks?
These are the three flavours of Girl Guide Cookies in Canada
What are Chocolate sandwich, Vanilla sandwich, and Chocolate Mint Cookies?
You should always cross the street at one of these
What is a crosswalk?
This is the cost of a case of cookies
What is $72
This is the year that Girl Guides began in Canada.
What is 1910?
This branch of Girl Guides is associated with two different colours
What are Embers
This is the number of cookie boxes in a case
What is 12?
When selling cookies door-to-door, you should never go here.
What is the inside of someone's house
If a person is buying 3 boxes of cookies and gives you $20, this is the amount of change you will give back.
What is $2
Selling and learning about cookies counts for this badge area
What is "Our Story"
This is the Girl Guide promise.
What is “I promise to do my best, to be true to myself, my beliefs and Canada. I will take action for a better world and respect the Guiding Law?”
Many people are allergic to these, but you won't find them in Girl Guide Cookies
What are peanuts/tree nuts?
When should you approach a car to sell cookies
What is never
This is the amount of money that every unit is guaranteed to make on a case of cookies.
What is $11
This is the person who was named World Chief Guide.
Who is Lady Baden Powell?
This is an astronaut who juggled Girl Guide cookies in space.
Who is Roberta Bondar?
You need to check this on last season's Girl Guide Cookie boxes before you sell them to ensure they are safe to sell.
What is an expiry date?
You should only sell in this type of neighbourhood
What is a neighbourhood you know well
This is the amount of money that every district is guaranteed to make on a case of cookies.
What is $22.50
This is the year that cookies were first sold by Girl Guides.
What is 1927
What province sold the first box of Girl Guide Cookies?
What is Saskatchewan