True or False
Paying for College
Planning for College
True or False
If you graduate from college you will on average make more money than a high school graduate.
What is True, High school graduates: $27,915, College grads (with a bachelor’s degree): $51,206
Besides applying for federal financial aid, students can also apply for these to help them pay for college.
What are Scholarships
This is the year(s) in high school that is the most important in the college admission process.
What are your Sophomore, Junior and Senior years.
My high school grades are more important than my standardized test scores (SAT, ACT, etc).
What is True.
Ann Sulivan was a great one of these (and so is Mrs. Anderson).
What is a Teacher.
If I do not have good grades, I cannot get any money for college.
What is False; Your grades do not effect how much financial aid you receive. Also, there are many scholarships that do not focus on grades. Instead they reward students for their outstanding characteristics such as leadership and community service.
This event occurs on April 18th at the YWCA.
What is the Financial Reality Fair.
These are two things to consider when figuring out if a college is right for you.
What are Campus location, Campus size, Programs of study/major, Cost, Sports or clubs.
I can get into a selective college if I did poorly in 9th or 10th grade.
What is True; Colleges look for improvement in performance as a sign that you can and will do the work. In fact, a vast improvement as a junior or senior indicates to a college that you have settled down.
This profession can be found in hospitals, schools, and assisted living facilities.
What is Nursing
You do not have to start preparing for college or life after high school until your senior year.
What is False
This type of financial aid is money given to you without repayment.
What is a Grant.
This is one thing a student can do to learn about a college they are interested in.
What are Look it up online, Visit or take a tour, Talk to someone who goes there.
Parents are always the best people to talk to about preparing for college.
What is False.
The percentage of jobs that require education or technical training beyond high school.
What is 70%
I don’t need to decide on my major before I can choose a college.
What is True; College is your time to explore. In most cases, you can choose a major in your sophomore year and still complete your degree in four years.
This is money given to students to borrow to help them pay for college. Students have to repay this money once they graduate from college.
What is a Loan.
This is the best time to visit colleges.
What is before you have been accepted.
The first step to getting financial aid is researching scholarships.
What is False; The first step is to fill out the FAFSA.
These are two of the six categories in the Career Interests Assessment.
What are Realistic (doers), Investigative (thinkers), Artistic (creators), Social (helpers), Enterprising (persuaders), Conventional (organizers)
You cannot go to college unless you or your family has a lot of money and can pay for you to attend college.
What is False
In order to apply for financial aid for college you should complete this form.
What is the FAFSA. Free Application for Federal Student Aid
This is the best time to go to college.
What is when you are ready.
Some of the best colleges out there are ones I've never heard of.
What is True.
Of the six career types, what career type would you be if you like to be around people and enjoy helping others.
What is Social (Helpers)