A better word for dirt. What am I?
You can see me near a sandy beach, but watch out as my large nut may fall off and hit you on the head! What tree am I?
Coconut Palm Tree
What do a tree and a king have in common?
A small branch. What am I?
When trees are in a period of rest, they are _________.
What kind of tree looks green all year long?
My leaves turn a fiery red color in autumn. What tree am I?
A.) Chinese Sorrel
B.) Australian Vegemite
C.) Russian Yukka
D.) Japanese Maple
Japanese Maple Tree
I am a bright green fruit with a large pit and dark leathery skin. What am I?
A sweet gift to eat from a tree. What am I?
I am one of the largest trees in the world. What tree am I?
Giant Sequoia Tree
What do a tree and a dog have in common?
This part of the tree is at the top and consists of branches, twigs and leaves. What part am I?
The chemical process trees use to make food is called _____________
During what season of the year does tree growth begin to slow down?
I sound like I am an animal named after a brain teaser! What tree am I?
A.) Elephant Trick
B.) Monkey Puzzle
C.) Dog Game
D.) Tiger Magic
Monkey Puzzle Tree
I grow in a tan shell about the size of a golf ball with a seam around the center. If you split my shell open at the seam, you will find me as bumpy and golden brown. What am I?
A walnut
You can decorate me with tinsel and baubbles. What am I?
Christmas tree
I find it difficult not to feel sad, with my flowing tresses gently touching the water below. What tree am I?
Weeping willow tree
What kind of tree can fit into your hand?
a Palm Tree
I am the main part of the tree above the soil and and it is in the middle of the crown and the roots of the tree. What am I?
The trunk
Photosynthesis combines sunlight, _____ _______, and water to make food for the tree.
Carbon dioxide
The world's tallest tree is 380 feet tall. What kind of tree is it?
Redwood Tree
I look like a giant umbrella, standing proudly on the island of Madagascar. What tree am I?
A.) Butterfly
B.) Blubber
C.) Baobab
D.) Button
Baobab Tree
The tree I come from is in the name of my sugary, sweet and sticky self. What food am I?
Maple Syrup
There are 2 types of trees. This tree loses its leaves in the winter. What am I?
Deciduous trees lose their leaves in the winter. Evergreen trees keep their leaves/needles all year long.
Squirrels love to climb me and eat my acorns. What tree am I?
Oak Tree
What do a tree and an elephant have in common?
What part of the tree is its anchor?
What makes leaves look green?
When my crunchy fruit are ripe, you can pick them off the tree to eat. What tree am I?
A.) Strawberry
B.) Apple
C.) Banana
D.) Grape
Apple Tree
I am a fruit that is named after my color. What am I?
I am made from the parts of trees that would otherwise go to waste and used to make many products, including paper & particlebard. What am I?
Wood chips and shavings
I am very distinctive because of my colorful bark. What tree am I?
Silver Birch Tree
Where do you find forests without trees?
On a map!
There are 5 shapes of trees. What are the missing two shapes?
1. Narrow
2. Weeping
3. Vase shaped
Round and triangular
The widest tree is in _______. It is a Montezuma cypress at 38 feet in diameter.
What country is it located in?
What state holds the record for the oldest living trees?
California - Some of the state's bristlecone pines are estimated to be 4000 years old and it's giant sequoias are estimated to be 2500 years old.
When chlorophyll breaks down, you can see other _____ in leaves.
A.) Pigments
B.) Veins
C.) Insects
D.) Diseases
Although people rarely consider me a fruit, I come from a fruit on that grows on a tree. As a fruit, I am fermented, roasted, and smashed in the beginning steps of becoming this world famous delight! What am I and what fruit do I come from?
Chocolate from the cacoa fruit