When do cookie sales begin?
Pre-Sale: Feb 12
Go Day: Feb 19
Who can you accept checks from? (must name 2 groups of people)
Friends & Family
How many cookies contain nuts? (BONUS: What are they?)
2 Peanut Butter Patties & Peanut Butter Sandwiches
During sales, whether at booth or door to door, what should girls say even if someone doesn't buy cookies?
Thank you
Name 2 groups of people on your cookie team.
Parents, Troop leaders and adult volunteers, and troop sisters.
How much is a box of cookies?
Which cookies are tax deductible?
Cookie donations
How many cookies have chocolate? (BONUS: What are they?)
5: Thin Mints, Caramel Delite, Peanut Butter Patties, Adventurefuls, Gluten Free Chocolate Chip
When at a cookie booth what are 2 rules you should follow?
When at a booth you should be within arm reach of a booth.
Standing is preferred
Greet everyone who walks by with a form of Hello or Good Day. Some locations do not allow for you to ask for sales. Be sure to ask about specific booth rules.
Pay attention to your surroundings
Name 2 ways our parents can help you sell online.
Help Create and Post a Virtual Pitch or Virtual Campaign on their personal social media account.
Help Send Emails for online orders through Smart Cookie
Help find answers to questions customers may have about buying cookies online.
What are we planning to use our cookie money on? (name at least 2 things we discussed earlier)
Troop trip to Disney World, camp, badges, troop outings.
What is in Caramel Delite cookies? (must name all 3 ingredients)
(dark) chocolate, coconut, caramel
When at a cookie booth how many girls are needed to answer a customer question?
Bonus What should the other girl be doing while the other is talking to a customer?
The other girl should be looking for another customer to help or making sure the inventory is full.
What are the different ways we can sell cookies?
Door to Door
Business to Business
Cookie Booths/Lemonade Stands
Mobile Booth (booth on wheels or sled)
Order form
When do families need to return unsold cookies?
March 12
TRUE or FALSE: We can accept credit cards
TRUE! Using your Smart Cookies website
Name the cookies we are selling this year.
Thin Mints, Shortbread, Peanut Butter Patties, Peanut Butter Sandwiches, Caramel Delites, Lemonades, Toast-Yays, Adventurefuls, Gluten Free Chocolate Chip
When a customer places an online girl delivery order when should the order be filled?
As soon as possible, if there is a delay you should reach out to let them know your order will be processed as soon as you have the cookies to fill the order.
Who does the selling of cookies when either going door to door or at a cookie booth?
The Girl Scout
NOT the Parents or Adults
When do booth sales start?
Saturday, Feb 19
When do you collect money for your cookie sales?
When cookies are delivered
Which cookies are vegan?
Thin Mints, Lemonades, Toast-Yay, Peanut Butter Patties
How much does a donation box of cookies cost?
What role do the parents have during cookie selling?
Bonus: What is one thing they can do at a booth or during in person sells?
Their role or job is to support the girls selling cookies and insure their safety.
Bonus: Adults are able to handle the money and take Credit Cards when needed. (Depending of the comfort level of those for in person sells.)