True or False, You can sell door-to-door without an adult?
False, you should always have an adult with you.
You should always arrive for your booth sign-up time early or late?
I'm a classic Girl Scout cookie with an iconic shape. My flavor is shortbread.
What is a Trefoil?
Surprise, this newbie cookie may contain tree nuts!
What are Lemon-Ups
What should you wear to a cookie booth?
Your vest
True or False, If a customer asks you if you are from the neighborhood, its ok to tell them where you live. After all, customers like to support their local scouts.
False. Never give out personal information like your last name, address, or school. You can tell them general info like, "Yeah I live a few blocks away" but do not give out specifics.
True or False. Your mom can set up a booth without you?
False. It is your girl scout responsibility!
Peanut Butter lovers dance for this sandwich cookie that costs $4 per box.
What are Do-Si-Do's
Dairy getting your tummy in a rumble, try these cookies, they won't make you grumble.
What are Thin Mints, they are vegan (no animal products)
True or False. Running around and playing games is allowed at cookie booths.
False. You should be on your best behavior.
True or False, When selling online you can post your digital sale link for anyone to order?
False, you can post on private groups or to friends and family, but not to the general public or marketplace groups.
What is are the prices of the cookies?
$4 for thin mints, tagalongs, do-si-dos, lemon-ups, trefoils, and somoas
$6 for toffee-tastic and smores
Girl Scouts invented this dessert, but you don't need a campfire to enjoy this version.
What are S'mores
Gluten allergy, don't fear! These cookies got you covered.
What are Toffee-Tastics?
Can you bring a friend to a cookie booth with you?
You should always listen to who when you are at a cookie booth?
The Cookie Mom or adult in charge.
To be considered a "Cookie Star" a scout must sell how many boxes?
1000 boxes
Reese's peanut butter cups have nothing on this 3rd most popular cookie in the red box.
What are Tagalongs
Allergic to soy, this ain't your day. These cookies should be avoided at all costs. (List them)
What are ALL OF THEM! All girl scout cookies contain soy.
If a person says they do not have any cash what other payment option can you offer them?
We take credit cards.
True or False, You should go into a persons house when selling door-to-door?
False. You should never enter a home when selling cookies door-to-door.
When we decide how to use our troop cookie money we try to use it in these two ways?
First to help and then for fun.
Change is good, and with this new cookie change tastes good too. It comes in a yellow box.
What are Lemon-Ups?
A savvy scout will suggest this kind of cookie to a diabetic customer?
What is a donated box. All GS cookies have sugar so the safest bet for a diabetic is to donate the box.
How should you approach a customer while at a cookie booth?
Using your manners ask, "Would you like to buy some girl scout cookies?"