This Girl Scout cookie could help to give you better breath
Thin Mints
What is the color of the Adventurefuls box.
The cost of 1 box of cookies this year.
$7 each
This cookie is in the shape of the Girl Scout logo.
What is our troop sales goal?
1500 packages
What cookie has peanut butter and chocolate?
Peanut Butter Patties (Tagalongs)
This cookie has oatmeal and peanut butter in a sandwich cookie.
Peanut Butter Sandwich (Do-si-dos)
The color of the box Caramel DeLites (Samoas) come in?
What is it called when we sell cookies outside of a store.
Cookie booth
What you can say if a customer says they don't like cookies
You could donate cookies to the military
This is the only cookie that contains caramel and coconut.
Caramel delites (Samoa)
Name the two Girl Scout Cookies that feature peanut butter.
Peanut Butter Patties (Tagalongs) and PB Sandwich (Do-si-dos)
This cookie looks and tastes like a slice of french toast.
Toast Yay!
What color does box Thin Mints come in?
What do you wear when selling cookies?
Your GS vest or GS t-shirt or hoodie.
This cookie has a hint of lemon.
Lemonades (Lemon-ups)
Based on last years sales, this cookie has maintained it's number one status.
Thin Mint
I am a gluten free cookie.
Three flavors featured in Adventurefuls
Brownie, Caramel, & Sea Salt
Who is the founder of Girl Scouts?
Juliette Gordon Low
The name of the bakery that makes our Girl Scout cookies.
ABC Bakers
The mascot for the cookie program and the theme for the season?
Mei Lan The Panda and "Embrace Possibility"
This is how many cookie varieties we are selling
The third best selling girl scout cookie, delicious blend of chocolate and peanut butter
Peanut Butter Patties (Tagalongs)
What year was GS established.