This Girl Scout cookie could help to give you better breath
what is Thin Mints?
What is the color of the Adventurefuls box.
The cost of 1 box of cookies this year (not Gluten Free)
$6 each
This cookie is in the shape of the Girl Scout logo.
These 3 cookie varieties don't come packaged in a box?
Lemonades, Toast-Yay! and Caramel Chocolate Chip.
What cookie has peanut butter and chocolate?
what are Peanut Butter Patties?
This cookie has oatmeal and peanut butter in a sandwich cookie.
Peanut Butter Sandwich
The color of the box Caramel DeLites come in?
What is it called when we sell cookies outside of a store.
Cookie booth
What you can say if a customer says they don't like cookies
You could donate cookies
This is the only cookie that contains coconut.
what are Caramel delites?
Name the two Girl Scout Cookies that feature peanut butter.
Peanut Butter Patties and PB Sandwich
What cookie is this the last year for it being sold?
Toast Yay!
What color does box Thin Mints come in?
A customer says they don't have any cash. What is your response?
What is "We take credit cards"
This cookie is completely allergen free
What is Carmel Chocolate chip?
Based on last years sales, this cookie has maintained it's number one status.
Thin Mint
I am a gluten free cookie.
Three flavors featured in Adventurefuls
Brownie, Caramel, & Sea Salt
There are several ways you can sell cookies to your customers, name 3?
what is selling to family and friends in person, via e-mail or social media; selling door to door; selling through digital cookies online; participating in a cookie booth with your troop.
This simple cookie could be used for making pie crust and also be served if you were going to have tea with The Queen
What is Trefoil?
The mascot for the cookie program and the theme for the season?
Mei Lan The Panda and "Embrace Possibility"
Toast Yay, Lemonade, Carmel Chocolate Chip, Thin Mints & PB Patties
The third best selling girl scout cookie
Peanut Butter Patties
The number one reason people don't buy cookies.
What is they were never asked?