Price per box of cookies
What is "$5.00"
The Cookie Sale Mascot this year
What is The Giant Panda?
How much is 3 boxes of cookies?
What is $15.00.
What is unique about the Giant Panda from most bears in America?
Giant Panda's do not hibernate.
A case of cookies has 12 packages at $5 each. If you sell a case of Thin Mints the customer owes you how much?
What is $60?
I'm a simple shortbread cookie. Lowest in sugar, not too bad for diabetics.
What is a Trefoil cookie?
The Giant Panda's distinct black and white markings help it to do what?
Camouflage in the snow during the winter and hide in the shade during the summer.
How much change do you give: Someone buys 3 boxes of cookies and gives you a $20 bill.
What is $5.00
I'm shaped like a slice of bread, taste like French Toast and this is the last year to buy them.
What are Toast-Yay!s?
When did our Founder Juliette Gordon Low organize the first Girl Scput Troop?
March 12, 1912
If your troop earns $.80 per box of cookies, how much would your troop earn if you sold 3000 boxes?
What is $2,400.