Juliette Gordon Low's Nickname.
Who was Daisy?
Original Girl Scout Cookie
What is the Sugar Cookie?
The year Girl Scouts was founded.
What is 1912
Location of the First Headquarters
Savannah, Georgia
Juliette Low was became permanently deaf from this at her wedding.
What is rice?
Year of the First Cookie Sale
What is 1917
Juliette Gordon Lowe's Birthday.
What is October 31, 1860
Cost of a dozen cookies in the 1920s
What is 30 cents?
Color of the first official Girl Scout Uniform.
What is Blue?
The number of girls in the first Girl Scout troop.
Cause of Death.
What is Breast Cancer?
The year Daisies started selling cookies.
The decade the Gold Award was introduced.
The year the Girl Scout Website launched
What is 1996?
United States launched Liberty Ship in Juliette Low's honor.
What is SS Juliette Low?
These were the original bakers of the first cookie.
The Girls!!
The first Girl Scout Handbook
What is "How Girls Can Help Their Country"
The year the United States Postal Office released a stamp honoring Juliette Gordon Low.