True or False:  It's ok to approach a stranger's car alone if they're buying cookies.

What is False.  Never approach the car of someone you don't know, no matter the circumstances.


Someone tries to force you to do something or pressure you to do something...sometimes times it is a friend, classmate or teammate..this is called Peer ________.

What is Pressure.


True of False: I know how to call 911 from a locked cell phone.

What is ....


If I am just riding my bike a short distance, it is ok to not wear this.

What is helmet.


True of False.  Strangers can be good or bad.

What is True.


Someone at a cookie booth asks personal information about you.  You don't want to be mean to them. Should you tell them anything they ask?

What is No.  You can tell them where your troop is from (Mattawan) or what your favorite cookie is.  But you never tell a stranger any personal information.


True or False. ...some secrets are bad and should be told so that help can be offered.  

What is True.

Your responsibility to keep someone safe is more important than your promise to keep a secret. Always speak to a trusted adult about it. 


True of False: If I'm online with someone I haven't met personally, it is ok to give out personal information.

What is False. 

Never share any personal information with someone online.


When talking on the phone, it is ok to give someone any personal information. After all, they can't see me, they don't know who I am.

What is NO. 

Never give any personal information to someone.


It is ok when a stranger asks you to help them find a lost pet or asks for directions to get somewhere. After all, they need help.

What is No. Adults don't ask children for help. Report immediately to your parent or a trusted adult.


True or False: It is ok to give someone your name and phone number so they can call you back to order.

What is "False". NEVER give out your phone number or name to strangers.


A feeling we get when something does not seem right. When we get this feeling, we should tell an adult and get away as soon as possible.

What is a bad feeling/uncomfortable/uneasy...


True of False: If I am surfing the internet, I am safe.  After all, I am in my home with my parents.  I am in a safe place.

What is False.

The internet is a public place.  You always have to treat it as if any stranger can be seeing what you are doing. 


It is ok to hide during a fire.  After all, I am very scared.

What is NEVER.

Your parents or the firefighters have to see you & be able to find you.


This is what a bad person looks like.

What is Like anyone else.


I am walking around my neighborhood selling cookies from my wagon.  I don't need to worry about cars & traffic, since everyone should see me.

What is False.  

Always stay on the sidewalk if possible and watch for any traffic. Never assume that a car sees you.


True of False: My body is private and NO ONE may touch me on the parts that cover my bathing suit

What is True


While playing a game online, something popped up that makes me feel uncomfortable.  I should immediately tell someone.

What is a Trusted Adult.

Always tell an adult about anything you see online that makes you uncomfortable. You won't get in trouble. 


If I am cleaning at my house, such as in the kitchen or cleaning a bathtub, it is never ok to mix these things.

What is Cleaning Products.

Cleaners contain chemicals, which if combined with other chemicals, can be very dangerous, and can even cause death.  Never mix 2 different cleaning products. 


True or False: There is stranger that you see-- Although maybe he isn't really a stranger... He's a guy you have seen many times in other places nearby, such as the park or the local diner, although you have never spoken to him. He seems to keep looking at you. 

Since he kind of looks familiar, he must be ok to speak to.

What is False.

Never speak or be alone with someone that you don't know is a trusted adult, and your parents don't know.


It is alright to go alone to some neighbor's house to ask if they want to buy cookies.

What is No.  Always take a trusted adult with you.  Never enter someone's house, even if it is a neighbor.


If an adult or anyone does something to you and tells you that you shouldn't tell anyone, but you think that it is a bad should..

What is tell someone. Tell an adult that you trust, such as a counselor, a teacher or a parent.


True of False. It is ok to post a picture or a comment online.  After all, the only person that will see it is the friend I am sending it to.

What is False.

Things that you put online are there forever.  Never post anything that you would't want your parents, teachers, future employers, or future husband or children to see.  Think about everything before you put it there forever.


If I am home alone I should...

What is never answer the door for strangers, never tell anyone on the phone that I am home alone, or never tell friends or let the anyone know that you are home alone.


When I have a bad feeling, a oh-oh feeling about means that

What is it is not right and I should talk to a trusted adult about it.
